Northland Cranberries Dundee Division - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

     This is to inform all interested persons,including employees, that Northland Cranberries Dundee Division, is complying whth OSHA's PSM standard Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations CFR 1910.119 and EPA's RMP regulations Title 40 CFR part 68, dealing with the risks involved with the storage use and handling of Anyrodius Ammonia.  In this way we promote overall plant worker and public safety, these programs enable our facility to prevent the occurence and minimize the consequence of significant release of ammonia.  Overall, these programs prevent accidental fatalities, injuries and illnesses, and avoid physical property damage.  Our safety program is applied to any activity involving ammonia, including storage handling or movement of it throughout the system. 
    These programs are detailed and improved as necessary.  They are also communicated to and accepted by all employees at the facility. 
    The ammonia refrigeration is used to cool juice products processed from fresh fruit 
, keep products cool and frozen in storage.  The facility processes, stores, and packs fruit beverages. 
    Failure of the high pressure receiver, containing 5754 lbs. of ammonia with the receiver quantity limited to 75% of the vessel capacity facility procedures, result in a ten minute release.  Under the worst case, weather conditions, ammonia could travel 1.2 miles before dispersing enough to no longer pose a hazard to the public.  This scenario is unlikely for the following reasons:  worst case weather conditions are uncommon, industry standards for the manufacture and quality control of pressure vessels and the mechanical integrity program for regular maintenance inspection and testing, ammonia sensors have also been installed in the system to warn operating personell of process upset, and the emergency response plan and equipment is in place at the facility. 
    The ammonia system in equiped with enter locks for high pressure and low pressure to prevent an accidental release of 
ammonia.  The system is tested bi-monthly to ensure that the interlocks operate properly.  The facility complies with OSHA PSM Standard 29 CFR 1910.119. 
    This facilities emergency response program is based on the OSHA requirements for Emergency Action Plans 29 CFR 1910.38 and 1910.119.  We have trained employees for emergency response and maintain a written emergency response plan.  This plan is coordinated with the local fire department.  We conduct annual drills at the facility with the fire department.
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