Arrhowhead Regional Medical Center - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Arrowhead Regional Medical Center is a level 1 medical/hospital facility that occupies 72 acres 
and has 373 patient beds. The facility also includes a diagnostic and treatment center, a 
behavioral health building, laboratory services and outpatient clinics. The reason ~is Risk 
Management Plan (RMP) submittal is due to the underground propane gas storage tanks, located 
near the ARMC central plant. ARMC is using the newest concept of storing propane, used as a 
back-up fuel supply to the hospital in the event of an emergency. In the following configuration, 
4-15,000 gallon underground storage tanks manifolded together with associated piping, 
electronic monitoring and automatic shut-offs. The maximum amount of Propane storage at this 
facility at any given time is 60,000 gallons. 
The entire facility as well as the underground storage tank system was engineered to withstand an 
8.3 earthquake, and with built-in emergency shut-offs components to prevent a major vapor 
e and or fire/explosion. The engineering was designed and completed by Syska & 
 The Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies are implemented and in 
place as of August of 1998. These emergency handling procedures are incorporated with the San 
Bernardino County Employee's Safety Manual. A brief overview of the emergency procedures 
are as follows; 
1. Emergency evacuation of the immediate areas upon detection of a leak or failure of the system. 
The supervisors will sound an emergency evacuation request by radio communication, air horn 
and bullhorn. A local alarm will sound in addition to other notification methods. 
2. Isolate the area (50 to 100 meters) 160 to 330 feet and deny entry. 
3. Eliminate all potential ignition sources. 
4. Activate the 911 system and explain that this is a hazardous materials release/spill. 
5. Attempt to shut down the system via remote shut-offs. 
6. Stay upwind and out of the vapor cloud. 
7. Keep unauthorized personnel out o 
f the area and immediately block off Meridian Avenue for 
initial safe zone establishment. 
8. Keep out of low areas 
 The Stationary Source and Regulated Substance at this location is "PROPANE". It is used as a 
back-up fuel source that is stored underground in 4-15,000 gallon tanks. The underground 
storage tank system is equipped with associated piping that runs underground and into the crawl 
spaces with a power vent. There is manual access via tank top and the system is under pressure. 
The electronic monitoring system is connected to it's own electrical source (Class 1, Division 2) 
with monitoring probes located in the secondary containment and in-line leak detectors. 
 The Worst Case Release Scenario and Alternative Release Scenario, including administrative 
controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario, will be 
included all in one scenario due to the only chemical required to submit RMP and the system 
location. This is a brand new facility and m 
ost of this information is based of fact sheets and 
estimates of the potential problems that can occur at this facility.
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