Carbon Canyon Wastewater Reclamation Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This document comprises the Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the Inland Empire Utilities 
Agency (Agency) facility located at 14950 Telephone Avenue (also referred to within the Agency 
as the Carbon Canyon Wastewater Reclamation Facility, CCWRF). CCWRF occupies 17.91 
acres of land directly adjacent to and south of Chino Hills Parkway in the city of Chino, 
California 91710. Telephone Avenue separates the facility from a group of light industrial and 
commercial occupancies to the east. Chino Creek runs along the facility's western property line. 
At the southwest corner of the facility, Chino Creek changes direction to flow southeast, dividing 
the industrial and commercial occupancies from undeveloped land to the south and east. The 
Agency also operates two other stationary sources subject to the federal RMP regulations. 
Separate RMPs have been submitted for those facilities. 
The purpose of this document is to comply with the risk management planning requirements as 
set forth in Section 255 
35(d) of Article 2 of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety 
Code (also known as the California Accidental Release Prevention Program - CalARP) and Part 
68 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40CFR Part 68), also known as the federal 
Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs or the federal RMP. 
The scope of the RMP includes all operations conducted at the CCWRF facility which involve 
the storage, handling and/or use of chlorine and sulfur dioxide (i.e., chlorine and sulfur dioxide 
are the only regulated substances which are handled at the facility above the threshold quantity). 
Since its inception, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency has evolved with the growth and needs of 
the western portion of San Bernardino County. Today, the Agency distributes imported water and 
provides municipal/industrial wastewater collection and treatment services for a 242-square mile 

rea that includes more than 600,000 people. 
CCWRF has been in operation since 1992 and serves the cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Ontario, 
Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Montclair, Fontana and some unincorporated portions of San 
Bernardino County in California. The primary operation conducted at CCWRF is wastewater 
treatment. As a part of this process, chlorine is utilized for water disinfection and sulfur dioxide 
is utilized for dechlorination. Provided below, is a brief description of the primary operations 
conducted at the facility and a description of the storage, handling and use of chlorine and sulfur 
Figure ES-I provides a simplified process flow diagram for the wastewater treatment process at 
CCWRF. As shown, raw sewage is passed through screening and grit removal units, primary 
clarifiers, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, polymer and coagulant chemical addition, effluent 
filters, chlorination and dechlorination units and then discharged. The plant 
effluent is discharged 
to Chino Creek and onto the Santa Ana River. 
CCWRF contains six aeration basins, two primary clarifiers, three secondary clarifiers, tertiary 
filters, a maximum of sixteen one ton containers of chlorine, and a maximum of eight one ton 
containers of sulfur dioxide. 
CCWRF Chlorination Process Description 
At CCWRF, the quality of water is monitored via sampling of the process. Chlorine is utilized to 
disinfect cleaned/treated water prior to discharging (this is also known as final disinfection of the 
effluent). Chlorine is a regulated substance subject to the federal RMP requirements. The 
CCWRF chlorination process consists of four main components: 
 A maximum of sixteen one-ton containers of chlorine; 
 Two evaporator for converting liquid chlorine to a gaseous state; 
  Three chlorinators and three ejectors to control the injection of chlorine and maintain a 
on the gaseous chlorine system; and 
 System piping. 
One ton containers containing liquid chlorine are delivered to the facility via truck and stored. 
Liquid chlorine is then withdrawn from the containers and transferred to the evaporators under 
pressure. The evaporator provides the heat necessary to vaporize chlorine (the evaporator is a 
heat exchanger, which circulates hot water through a jacket around the chlorine evaporation 
chamber). The chlorine gas generated by the evaporator is transferred to the chlorinator under a 
vacuum and injected into water (now referred to as chlorine solution). The vacuum, from the 
evaporator to the injection point, is maintained by the ejectors. As a result of having chlorine 
injected into it, the water contains elevated levels of diluted chlorine. This chlorine solution is 
then transferred via piping to the five end use point where it is mixed with the water to be treated. 
Emergency Scrubber 
The Agency has installed an emergency chlorine/sulfur dioxide scrubber. This unit is connected 
to the building  
(where both chlorine and sulfur dioxide systems are housed). Under emergency 
conditions, an induced draft fan pulls the chlorine vapor (released into the building) through the 
scrubber, where intimate contact with a re-circulating solution of sodium hydroxide (i.e., 
50-percent concentrated sodium hydroxide) results in complete absorption and removal of 
chlorine vapor. The unit has the capacity to scrub up to 4000 pounds of chlorine and is activated 
via either automatic leak detectors (i.e., chlorine sensors located within the building) or a manual 
remote start switch. 
CCWRF Dechlorination Process Description 
At CCWRF, the residual chlorine content of the disinfected waster is monitored via sampling of 
the process. Sulfur dioxide is utilized to eliminate the residual chlorine content in the disinfected 
water. Sulfur dioxide is a regulated substance subject to the federal RMP requirements. The 
CCWRF dechlorination process consists of four ma 
in components: 
 A maximum of eight one-ton containers of sulfur dioxide; 
 Two evaporators for converting liquid sulfur dioxide to a gaseous state; 
 Two sulfonators and two ejectors to control the injection of sulfur dioxide and maintain a 
vacuum on the gaseous sulfur dioxide system; and 
 System piping. 
One ton containers containing liquid sulfur dioxide are delivered to the facility via truck and 
stored. Liquid sulfur dioxide is then withdrawn from the containers and transferred to the 
evaporators under pressure. The evaporator provides the heat necessary to vaporize sulfur 
dioxide (the evaporator is a heat exchanger, which circulates hot water through a jacket around 
the sulfur dioxide evaporation chamber). The sulfur dioxide gas generated by the evaporator is 
transferred to the sulfonators under a vacuum and injected into water (now referred to as sulfur 
dioxide solution). The vacuum, from the evaporator to the injection point, is maintained by the 
ejectors. As a result of h 
aving sulfur dioxide injected into it, the water contains elevated levels of 
diluted sulfur dioxide. This sulfur dioxide dilution water is then transferred via piping to the end 
use point where it is mixed with the water to be treated. 
Emergency Scrubber 
The Agency has installed an emergency chlorine/sulfur dioxide scrubber. This unit is connected 
to the building (where both chlorine and sulfur dioxide systems are housed). Under emergency 
conditions, an induced draft fan pulls the sulfur dioxide vapors (released into the building) 
through the scrubber, where intimate contact with a re-circulating solution of sodium hydroxide 
(i.e., 50-percent concentrated sodium hydroxide) results in complete absorption and removal of 
sulfur dioxide vapor. The unit has the capacity to scrub up to 4000 pounds of sulfur dioxide and 
is activated via either automatic leak detectors (i.e., chlorine sensors located within the building) 
or a manual remote start switch. 
The RMP regulations require that at least two types of release scenarios be evaluated for their 
potential to impact off-site populations: 
 the worst case release; and 
 an alternative release (that is more credible). 
A number of hypothetical accidental release scenarios were postulated and evaluated for the 
RMP. These scenarios were categorized into worst-case release scenarios and alternative release 
scenarios. Each of these categories of hypothetical accidental release scenarios is discussed 
Worst-Case Release Scenario 
In this scenario, one of the one-ton containers of chlorine on site experiences a catastrophic 
failure due to an unknown external event. This scenario would be initiated by some unknown 
external event (i.e., an airplane, missile or meteorite impacting the chlorine building where the 
ton containers are located). It is highly improbable that this scenario would be initiated by a 
seismic event. The chlorine building has been constructed to the requ 
ired Uniform Building Code 
and Uniform Fire Code specifications. However, the possibility of this scenario being initiated by 
a seismic event can not be completely discarded. This scenario is considered to be extremely 
unlikely. In the highly unlikely case that this scenario occurs, approximately 2,000-pounds of 
chlorine would be released. The release of chlorine could occur outdoors or indoors. 
The release of the chlorine within the chlorine building would result in the chlorine sensors 
detecting the chlorine and activating the emergency scrubber exhaust fan. This would result in 
the "sucking up" of chlorine vapors from the building and being routed to the emergency 
scrubber. The emergency scrubber was designed for the purpose of mitigating the effects of 
accidental releases of chlorine. 
Although the emergency chlorine scrubber was installed by the Agency for the specific purpose 
of mitigating the potential off-site consequences of accidental chlorine releases (such as those 
ed above), the presence of the chlorine scrubber system was not taken into account in 
evaluating the off-site consequences. Rather, it was assumed that the chlorine released during the 
catastrophic accident was released outdoors forming a cloud of chlorine vapor. The resulting 
vapor cloud was assumed to freely migrate off-site. Utilizing the methodology specified by 
USEPA, the estimated vulnerable zone for this accidental release scenario is approximately 
Figure ES-2 presents a graphical representation of the vulnerable zones for the worst-case release 
scenario for accidental releases involving chlorine. Also presented in Figure ES-2 are the 
sensitive receptors located within one-mile of the facility. Table ES-I provides a listing of 
sensitive receptors located in close proximity to the facility. 
Alternative Release Scenarios 
Alternative release scenarios which are considered to be more likely to occur are those which 
may result in the release of anywhere from less than o 
ne-pound to up to 1000-pounds of chlorine. 
These scenarios include situations such as delivery of a leaking one-ton container of chlorine to 
the facility, a pinhole leak in the chlorine transfer piping and a partial or complete failure of the 
liquid or vapor chlorine transfer lines at various points in the system (either in-doors or 
out-doors). In order to be conservative in the estimation of the vulnerable zone, it was assumed 
that 1000-pounds of chlorine was released during an accident involving the complete failure of a 
liquid transfer line from a one ton container. It was further assumed that the material was 
released directly outdoors. Since the release can occur out-doors (i.e., outside of the chlorine 
storage building) neither the system enclosure provided by the chlorine building nor the 
emergency scrubber system were taken into account in evaluating the off-site consequences. 
Utilizing this assumption is much more conservative in nature and resulted in the estimation of 
the la 
rgest vulnerable zone for these types of accident scenarios. The resulting toxic gas (i.e., 
chlorine) vapor cloud was assumed to freely migrate off-site. Utilizing the methodology specified by USEPA, the estimated vulnerable zone for these types of scenarios is approximately 0.5 miles. 
Figure ES-2 presents a graphical representation of the vulnerable zones for the alternative release 
scenario for accidental releases involving chlorine. Also presented in Figure ES-2 are the 
sensitive receptors located within one-mile of the facility? Table ES- I provides a listing of 
sensitive receptors located in close proximity to the facility. 
Worst-Case Release Scenario 
In this scenario, one of the one-ton containers of sulfur dioxide on site experiences a catastrophic 
failure due to an unknown external event. This scenario would be initiated by some unknown 
external event (i.e., an airplane, missile or meteorite impacting the sulfur dioxide building where 
the ton containers are l 
ocated). It is highly improbable that this scenario would be initiated by a 
seismic event. The sulfur dioxide building has been constructed to the required Uniform Building 
Code and Uniform Fire Code specifications. However, the possibility of this scenario being 
initiated by a seismic event can not be completely discarded. This scenario is considered to be 
extremely unlikely. In the highly unlikely case that this scenario occurs, approximately 
2,000-pounds of sulfur dioxide would be released. The release of sulfur dioxide could occur 
outdoors or indoors. 
The release of the sulfur dioxide within the building would result in the sulfur dioxide sensors 
detecting the sulfur dioxide and activating the emergency scrubber exhaust fan. This would result 
in the "sucking up" of sulfur dioxide vapors from the building and being routed to the emergency 
scrubber. The emergency scrubber was designed for the purpose of mitigating the effects of 
accidental releases of sulfur dioxide. 
Although the e 
mergency scrubber was installed by the Agency for the specific purpose of 
mitigating the potential off-site consequences of accidental sulfur dioxide releases (such as those 
described above), the presence of the scrubber system was not taken into account in evaluating 
the off-site consequences. Rather, it was assumed that the sulfur dioxide released during the 
catastrophic accident was released outdoors forming a cloud of sulfur dioxide vapor. The 
resulting vapor cloud was assumed to freely migrate off-site. Utilizing the methodology specified 
by USEPA, the estimated vulnerable zone for this accidental release scenario is approximately 
Figure ES-2 presents a graphical representation of the vulnerable zones for the worst-case release 
scenario for accidental releases involving sulfur dioxide. Also presented in Figure ES-2 are the 
sensitive receptors located within one-mile of the facility. Table ES-I provides a listing of 
sensitive receptors located in close proximity to the  
Alternative Release Scenarios 
Alternative release scenarios which are considered to be more likely to occur are those which 
may result in the release of anywhere from less than one-pound to up to 1000-pounds of sulfur 
dioxide. These scenarios include situations such as delivery of a leaking one-ton container of 
sulfur dioxide to the facility, a phole leak in the sulfur dioxide transfer piping and a partial or 
complete failure of the liquid or vapor sulfur dioxide transfer lines at various points in the system 
(either in-doors or out-doors). In order to be conservative in the estimation of the vulnerable 
zone, it was assumed that 1000-pounds of sulfur dioxide was released during an accident 
involving the complete failure of a liquid transfer l*ne from a one ton container. It was further 
assumed that the material was released directly outdoors. Since the release can occur out-doors 
(i.e., outside of the sulfur dioxide storage building) neither the system enclosure provided by 
building nor the emergency scrubber were taken into account in evaluating the off-site 
consequences. Utilizing this assumption is much more conservative in nature and resulted in the 
estimation of the largest vulnerable zone for these types of accident scenarios. The resulting 
toxic gas (i.e., sulfur dioxide) vapor cloud was assumed to freely migrate off-site. Utilizing the 
methodology specified by USEPA, the estimated vulnerable zone for these types of scenarios is 
approximately 0.2 miles. 
Figure ES-2 presents a graphical representation of the vulnerable zones for the alternative release 
scenario for accidental releases involving chlorine. Also presented in Figure ES-2 are the 
sensitive receptors located within one-mile of the facility. Table ES- I provides a listing of 
sensitive receptors located in close proximity to the facility. 
During the five years preceding the submittal of this RMP, the facility has NOT had any releases 
of regulated su 
bstances which have resulted in: 
 Onsite deaths, injuries, or significant property damage; or 
 Known offsite deaths, injuries, property damage, environmental damage, evacuations, or 
sheltering in place. 
The Accidental Release Prevention Program at the Agency consists of a series of programs, 
procedures and policies designed to minimize the risk of accidental releases involving regulated 
substances handled at the facility (i.e., the only regulated substances handled at the facility are 
chlorine and sulfur dioxide). These programs include design and operating controls such as 
compliance with specified codes, the health and safety program, numerous standard operating 
procedures, the equipment inspection and maintenance program (including a mechanical integrity 
and preventive maintenance program), site security, the management of change program, 
pre-start-up review, fire prevention/fire protection/hot 
work permit program, management of and 
safety of- contractors, accident/incident investigation procedures, emergency response plan, RMP 
compliance auditing program, record keeping and a variety of training programs. Details of each 
of these components of the Agency's Accidental Release Prevention Program are provided in the 
document entitled Risk Management Plan (RMP), Volume I - Prevention Program. 
There are several chlorine and sulfur dioxide leak detection and monitoring devices and other 
protective devices (e.g.., for fire protection, etc.) placed at strategic locations throughout the 
facility. Table ES-2 provides a summary listing of these detection and monitoring devices as well 
as the* sensitivities. 
The Agency recognizes that emergency planning and emergency response are an integral 
component of risk management. As such, the Agency currently has emergency action plans and 
emergency evacuation plans in place. In addition, the Agency has developed a  
Fire Prevention 
Plan. These programs work together to mitigate the effects of unplanned releases or events. 
However, as a measure to improve safety, the Agency is currently developing a specific response 
program for emergencies involving chlorine and sulfur dioxide. 
The Agency is planning to conduct a joint emergency response drill with the San Bernardino 
County Interagency Hazardous Materials Response Team. This will ensure that key agencies 
which could be involved in emergency response at the Agency are familiar with the facility 
operations and hazards and are also familiar with the capabilities of Agency personnel (from an 
emergency response view point). In addition, these drills will ensure that the existing emergency 
response plan is evaluated during the drilling process for its functionality, practicality and 
effectiveness. Based on these drills changes and modifications may be made (as appropriate) to 
improve response efficiencies. 
A d 
etailed hazard and operability study (i.e., hazards analysis) was performed on ALL operations 
involving chlorine and sulfur dioxide in order to evaluate the potential for accidental releases. As 
a result of this hazards analysis a number of recommendations were made to improve the safety 
of the operations conducted. The recommended actions are summarized in Table ES-3. Table 
ES-3 also presents the implementation status of the recommended actions. As shown, the Agency 
has already implemented a number of the recommendations. Table ES-3 also presents the 
expected date of implementation for those recommendations not yet implemented. 
The Agency recognizes that some persons may be interested in obtaining more detailed 
information regarding risk management prevention program components not discussed herein. 
Interested parties that have additional questions regarding the Agency's Risk Management Plan, 
are directed to contact: 
Mr. Sean R Denman 
Inland Empire Utili 
ties Agency 
9400 Cherry Avenue, Building A 
Fontana, California 92335
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