Delaware City Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

    The Delaware City Wastewater Treatment Plant operates to treat approximately 0.5 million gallons of wastewater a day for the Delaware City and St. Georges regional area.  The plant has an Risk Management Program 2 process, storing a maximum of 4,000 lbs of chlorine for sewage treatment. 
    The progam 2 worst case release scenario is the release of the entire contents of a one ton tank of chlorine gas into an enclosed building.  The toxic endpoint is approximately 0.9 miles downwind of the plant. 
    The alternate release includes the puncturing of the storage vessel, releasing chlorine gas into an enclosed building, with a realistic response time of 60 minutes.  The toxic endpoint is approximately 0.2 miles downwind of the plant.  Mitigation measures include chlorine detection alarms, manual shutoffs, relief valves, and emergency training procedures for plant personnel.  Equipment in the plant is checked on a monthly basis and maintenance procedures are reviewed yearly. 
the event of a chlorine leak, the chlorine alarm system will be activated, and the operator in charge will verify the alarm.  If there is a leak, the operator in charge will assess the severity, and if needed, alert the County dispatch office, 911, DNREC, and the National Response Center.  All visitors and employees will be evacuated to a safe distance from the plant, where the operator in charge will account for everyone.  The operator in charge will remain on site to assisst the emergency responders as needed. 
    There have been no accidental relaeases at the Delaware City plant in the past 5 years.
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