| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The management of Cambridge Coop Oil Co.  prevents accidental releases or emergency reponses by employee awareness through eduction and training.  The maintenance and inspection of equipment is regular.  Inspections from regulatory agencies such as the State Fire Marshall, assist us to maintain the facility's over all safety. 
This facility is for storage of anhydrous ammonia. 
The anhydrous ammonia is received, stored and redistributed in small nurse trailers for application to farm fields as plant food for crop production.  Activities at this plant are seasonal but product will be in storage through out the year. 
A release of anhydrous ammonia in a worst-case scenario would be the release of total contents of the largest storage tank as a gas form over 10 minutes.  The maximum quantity released is identified in the Risk Management Plan for this facility. 
An alternative release scenario of anhydrous ammonia. 
No release of this type has occurred at this facility in over 5 years.  It i 
s believed the most likely release would be caused by a break in a transfer hose.  The transfer hoses at this facility are dated to allow for regular replacement.  The hoses have manual valves, self-closing excess flow valves and pull away valves.  The alternative release would be limited to the contents from the largest hose used for transferring product. 
The general accidental release prevention at Cambridge Coop addresses two areas; human error and mechanical failure.  The employees of Cambridge Coop are made aware of the physical and chemical hazards of anhydrous ammonia and trained in proper handling procedures.  The employees are involved with compliance requirements of regulatory agencies; which inspect and regulate the facility and the chemical product.  Regular maintenance and inspections by owner and regulatory agencies should maintain safe operation of the facility. 
Cambridge Coop has not had an accidental release of anhydrous ammonia onsite, or offsite, in the past five y 
This facility has a Emergency Response Guide.  This guide includes a map of the facility locating storage tanks, buildings, utility disconnects, roadways and plant accesses. 
This guide includes a list of phone numbers for emergency response, spill plan, evacuation plan, and a list of equipment which could be used in spill control.  The local Fire Department, Sheriff Department, medical personal and LEPC have this same information for their response plans.  Emergency personnel are invited to tour the facility with our employees for planning and training. 
Changes to the plant for improved safety are made after inspections or maintenance identify items for correction or improvement.  There are no specific changes or recommendations at this time.
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