| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This document comprises the Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the Crestline Sanitation District 
(District) facility located at 700 Skyland Spur Access Road in Crestline, California 92325 (also 
referred to within the District as the Seeley Creek Wastewater Treatment facility). The District 
also operates one other stationary source subject to the federal RMP regulations. A separate RMP 
has been submitted for that facility. 
The purpose of this document is to comply with me risk management planning requirements as 
set forth in Section 25535(d) of ~Article 2 of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety 
Code (also known as the California Accidental Release Prevention Program - CalARP) and Part 
68 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40CFR Part 68), also known as the federal 
Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs or the federal RMP. 
The scope of the RMP includes all operations conducted at the facility which involve the storag 
handling and/or use of chlorine. 
The Crestline Sanitation District was formed on January 21, 1946 to provide sewer service to the 
Lake Gregory area of California. The Crestline Sanitation District is the largest enterprise 
Sanitation District in San Bernardino County and presently serves over 5200 residential and 
commercial connections. At present, the District has approximately 90 miles of sewer lines. Raw 
sewage flows via gravity to the Seeley Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. 
The Seeley Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant has been in operation since 1974. In 1986, the 
plant underwent a modification and expansion. The facility is classified as a secondary treatment 
plant and process units consist of flow equalization, comminution, primary clarification, primary 
sludge holding tank, standard rate trickling filter, secondary clarification and disinfection. As a 
part of the wastewater treatment process, chlorine  
is utilized for water disinfection. Provided 
below, is a brief description of the storage, handling and use of chlorine at the facility. 
Chlorine is utilized to disinfect cleaned/treated water prior to discharging (this is also known as 
final disinfection of the effluent). Chlorine is a regulated substance subject to the federal RMP 
requirements. The chlorination process consists of four main components: 
         A maximum inventory of 4000 pounds of chlorine (usually as one one ton 
container and several 150 pound 
 Fixed and paced rotameters; 
 The chlorine injector to control the injection of chlorine and maintain a vacuum on the gaseous 
chlorine system; and 
 System piping. 
Figure ES-I presents a simplified flow diagram of the process. One ton containers and 150 
cylinders containing liquid chlorine are delivered to the facility via truck. Before the containers 
and/or cylinders are accepted, plant operators inspect the contai 
ners/cylinders and valves for any 
signs of leakage or improper alignment of the valves. Once accepted, the one ton containers are 
off-loaded utilizing the hoist, placed in special cradles, chained to the floor, dated, and the 
cylinder identification numbers are recorded on the chlorine inventory forms maintained in the 
storage room. The 150 pound cylinders are strapped and safety chained to anchored cradles in the 
walls of the storage room. 
One ton containers and 150 pound cylinders are connected to the plant chlorination system. The 
one ton container is always placed in "lead" service while the 150 pound cylinder is placed in 
"standby" service. The primary supply of chlorine is via the one ton container. The 150 pound 
cylinder will only supply chlorine to the system if the one ton container runs out. 
- ~N 
Chlorine gas travels (under vacuum) from the container, through the container-mounted 
regulator, and into an automatic switchover module. From there the chlorine gas travels  
vacuum) to the gas feed unit, where fixed and paced rotameter units measure out the proper 
amount of chlorine. The fixed rotameter is set manually while the paced rotameter is tied to the 
plant effluent flow meter and increases or decreases with water flow. 
Chlorine gas then exits the rotameters and enters a hard piped injector. The injector injects 
chlorine gas into the water stream. As a result of having chlorine injected into it, the water 
contains elevated levels of diluted chlorine. This chlorine solution is then transferred via piping 
to the chlorine contact tank where it is mixed with the water to be treated. 
The RMP regulations require that at least two types of release scenarios be evaluated for their 
potential to impact off-site populations: 
 the worst case release; and 
 an alternative release (that is more credible). 
A number of hypothetical accidental release scenarios were postulated and evaluated for the 
RMP. These scenar 
ios were categorized into worst-case release scenarios and alternative release 
scenarios. Each of these categories of hypothetical accidental release scenarios is discussed 
Worst-Case Release Scenario 
In this scenario, one of the one-ton containers of chlorine on site experiences a catastrophic 
failure due to an unknown external event. This scenario could be initiated by an external event 
(i.e., an airplane, missile or meteorite impacting the chlorine building where the ton containers 
are located). It is highly improbable that this scenario would be initiated by a seismic event. 
However, the possibility of this scenario being initiated by a seismic event can not be completely 
discarded. This scenario is considered to be extremely unlikely. In the highly unlikely case that 
this scenario occurs, approximately 2,000-pounds of chlorine would be released. The release of 
chlorine could occur outdoors or indoors. Since the release can occur out-doors (i.e., outside of 
the ch 
lorine storage building) the enclosure provided by the chlorine building was not taken into 
account in evaluating the off-site consequences. Rather, it was assumed that the chlorine released 
during the catastrophic accident was released outdoors forming a cloud of chlorine vapor. The 
resulting vapor cloud was assumed to freely migrate off-site. Utilizing the methodology specified 
by USEPA, the estimated vulnerable zone for this accidental release scenario is approximately 
Figure ES-2 presents a graphical representation of the vulnerable zones for the worst-case release 
scenario for accidental releases involving chlorine. Table ES-I provides a listing of sensitive 
receptors located within the vulnerable zone. 
Alternative Release Scenarios 
Alternative release scenarios which are considered to be more likely to occur are those which 
may result in the release of anywhere from less than one-pound to up to 10-pounds of chlorine. 
These scenarios include situations such as delive 
ry of a leaking one-ton container of chlorine to 
the facility, a pinhole leak in the chlorine transfer piping and a partial or complete failure of the 
chlorine transfer lines (either 100-percent vapor or chlorine dilution water) at various points in 
the system (either in-doors or out-doors). In order to be conservative in the estimation of the 
vulnerable zone, it was assumed that 10-pounds of chlorine was released during an accident 
involving the complete failure of a vapor transfer line from a one ton container. In such a 
situation, the loss of vacuum from the system would result in the automatic isolation of the one 
ton container at the container valve. However, in order to be conservative, it was assumed that 
the material was released directly outdoors (although the full 
length of the vapor transfer lines is located indoors. Thus, the system enclosure provided by the 
chlorine building was not taken into account in evaluating the off-site consequences. Utilizing 
this assumptio 
n is much more conservative in nature and resulted in the estimation of the largest 
vulnerable zone for these types of accident scenarios. The resulting cloud of chlorine vapor was 
assumed to freely migrate off-site. Utilizing the methodology specified by USEPA, the estimated 
vulnerable zone for these types of scenarios is approximately 0.1 miles. 
Figure ES-2 presents a graphical representation of the vulnerable zones for the alternative-case 
release scenario for accidental releases involving chlorine. Table ES-I provides a listing of 
sensitive receptors located within the vulnerable zone. As shown, the only sensitive receptors 
located within the vulnerable zone are recreation areas. 
During the five years preceding the submittal of this RMP, the facility has NOT had any releases 
of chlorine which have resulted in: 
 Onsite deaths, injuries, or significant property damage; or 
 Known offsite deaths, injuries, property damage, environmental damage,  
evacuations, or 
sheltering in place. 
The Accidental Release Prevention Program at the District consists of a series of programs, 
procedures and policies designed to minimize the risk of accidental releases involving chlorine. 
These programs include design and operating controls such as compliance with specified codes, 
the health and safety program, numerous standard operating procedures, the equipment 
inspection and maintenance program (including a mechanical integrity and preventive 
maintenance program), site security, the management of change program, pre-start-up review, 
fire protection and hot work permit program, management of- and safety of- contractors, 
accident/incident investigation procedures, emergency response plan, RMP compliance auditing 
program, record keeping and a variety of training programs. Details of each of these components 
of the District's Accidental Release Prevention Program  
are provided in the document entitled 
Risk Management Plan (RMP), Volume I - Prevention Program. 
There are several detection and monitoring devices and alarms placed at strategic locations 
throughout the facility. Table ES-2 provides a summary listing of these devices as well as their 
sensitivities. In addition, there are portable fire extinguishers located throughout the facility. 
The District recognizes that emergency planning and emergency response are an integral 
component of risk management. As such, the District currently has an emergency response plan 
and an emergency evacuation plan in place as part of its hazardous materials business plan 
(HP). However, as a measure to improve safety, the District is currently developing a specific 
emergency response program for emergencies involving chlorine. 
A detailed hazard and operability study (i.e., hazards analysis) was performed on ALL operations 
involving chlorin 
e in order to evaluate the potential for accidental releases. As a result of this 
hazards analysis a number of recommendations were made to improve the safety of the 
operations conducted. A summary of the recommended actions is provided in Table ES-3. Table 
ES-3 also presents the implementation status of the recommended actions. As shown, the District 
has already implemented a number of the recommendations. Table ES-3 also presents the 
expected date of implementation for those recommendations not yet implemented. 
The District recognizes that some persons may be interested in obtaining more detailed 
information regarding risk management prevention program components not discussed herein. 
Interested parties that have additional questions regarding the District's Risk Management Plan, 
are directed to contact: 
Mr. Joel Stribling 
Sanitation Services Representative 
Crestline Saintation District 
24516 Lake Drive 
P.O. Box 3395 
Crestline, California 92325-3395
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