Cass County Cooperative Association - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The emergency response policies at our facility.  We have sent a copy of emergency plan to Weeping Water Fire Department and Cass County Emergency Management Agency and retained a copy on file. (A copy enclosed).  On outside of office building is a sign with following phone numbers in case of emergency: fire department, police department, chemtrec, manager and relative. 
The regulated substance handled at this facility is anhydrous ammonia.  We receive transport loads in and load out nurse tanks for customers to apply as nitrogen source for crops grown in this area. 
The amount of anhydrous ammonia that we can store at this facility is in a 30,000 gallon tank. which at 86% full would be 129,000 pounds.  Our facility is located 2 miles from urban area. 
I feel that we have done as much as possible to minimize risk to community and neighbors.  There are excess flow valves in all lines that will automatically shut if anhydrous is released too fast. 
I have managed this facility since Febr 
uary 1966 and we have not had any accidents or releases in that time. 
As to employee training, I have always handled the anhydrous myself.  I do not know of any safety that can be added .  I have on hand and use when needed a gas mask with ammonia type cannister, tight fitting goggles, protective rubber gloves, protective rubber pants and jacket, easily accessible shower and open top water tank during season.
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