Union Carbide Technical Center - Chemicals

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Bulk Gas Storage - Ethyle Process

Program Level 3 Process
65,800 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Ethylene [Ethene]", CAS: 74-85-1.
Process Industries (NAICS):
      General Warehousing and Storage Facilities (49311)

Polymer R&D Pilot Plant Process

Program Level 3 Process
39,680 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "1-Butene", CAS: 106-98-9.
49,600 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Isopentane [Butane, 2-Methyl-]", CAS: 78-78-4.
69,500 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Propylene [1-Propene]", CAS: 115-07-1.
65,800 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Ethylene [Ethene]", CAS: 74-85-1.
Process Industries (NAICS):
      Research and Development in the Physical Sciences and Engineering Sciences (54171)
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