V.D. Parrott Jr. Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary |
Dalton Utilities' Risk Management Plan for Safe Chlorine Handling involves a unified approach that integrates technologies, procedures and management practices to monitor potential chlorine hazards and minimize the risk of accidental chlorine releases. All applicable procedures of 40 CFR 68.170 are addressed in the plan, which seeks to provide for employee safety, public health and response agency interaction. The V.D. Parrott Water Plant utilizes chlorine to disinfect raw water pulled from the Conasauga River. The chlorination process includes chlorine cylinders, chlorination equipment, instrumentation, electrical controls and process specific safety equipment. Modeling was performed utilizing EPA's RMP*COMP (TM) software to identify potential consequences associated with operating failures resulting in acidental chlorine release. Two scenarios were modeled: The worst case release sceanrio and the alternative (more likely) release scenario. The worst case model depicted a releas e of 2000 lbs. of chlorine resulting from the loss of a valve stem and yielding a distance to toxic endpoint of 2.2 miles. The alternative scenario involved the mechanical failure of one flexible manifold connection allowing an accidental release of approximately 45 lbs of chlorine over a 10 minute period, at which time the failure was repaired. For this scenario, the distance to toxic endpoint was calculated to be 0.1 miles. Within this radius, impact is improbable with the only receptors (3 residents) lying in the general northeast direction. The Dalton Utilities' RMP is supported by operator training, preventative maintenance, process specific safety equipment, safe and effective standard operating procedures, periodic hazard review and a continual audit and inspection program. The V.D. Parrott plant has an emergency response plan that has been coordinated with the City of Dalton and Whitfield County Fire departments . Emergency response drills, drill evaluations and facility tours are conducted annually, at which time emergency operation and response procedures are reviewed. Dalton Utilities takes a proactive approach to risk management and emergency response. Effective standard operating procedures, along with mitigation measures coordinated with local response agencies, will provide for the safe operation of the chlorination process needed for treatment of the communities' valued water supply. |