B&W Co-op, Inc. - Ransom Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Since our inception in 1957 we at the B&W Co-op Inc. have worked hard to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our Customers, employees and the surrounding area. We have always taken safety very serious, and it is a very important part of our employee orientation. This includes all personnel hired, from the CEO to our newest employee. B&W Co-op Inc. is a farmer owned supplier of Agricultural inputs such as seed, fertilizer and chemicals. Our chemical warehouse is a state of the art facility designed by T.V.A. it has containment so if there is a emergency, every thing will stay in the building as not to contaminate the surrounding area or water supplies. Our liquid fertilizer tanks are also in dikes, our load out areas are all concrete pads for easy clean up of spills. Our Anhydrous ammonia storage is in the country. We use all ANSI approved equipment and our facility complies with OSHA regulations. Our piping is all schedule 40 or 80, depending on welded or threaded. When we move 
employees into NH3 duty, they are trained in safe handling and emergency procedures. The local fire and rescue people tour our facilities when we make any changes or new people are added to their staffs. The proper relief valves, back check valves, excess flow valves and breakaway points are a part of the plumbing scheme. We also have all the Personal Protective Equipment on site as required by OSHA. An emergency shower and 2 water tanks are on site in case someone is burned by NH3. We are enclosing a copy of our NH3 Handling and Emergency Procedures as a part of this summary.
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