Springfield - 3M Company - Registration

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Source Identification

Facility Name:Springfield - 3M Company
Parent Company #1:
Parent Company #2:

Submission and Acceptance

Submission Type:Correction or Administrative Change
Receipt Date:1999-08-25
Postmark Date:1999-08-19
Next Due Date:2004-07-29
Completeness Check Date:1999-08-26
Complete RMP:Yes
De-Registered Date:
De-Registered Effective Date:
Certification Received:Yes

Facility Identification

EPA Facility Identifier:1000 0015 7643
Other EPA Systems Facility ID:65802M3211E

Dun and Bradstreet Numbers (DUNS)

Facility DUNS:043937895
Parent Company #1 DUNS:
Parent Company #2 DUNS:

Facility Location Address

Address: 3211 East Chestnut Expy
Springfield, MO
County:Greene County

Facility Latitude and Longitude

Lat. (dd mm ss.s):
Long. (ddd mm ss.s):
Latitude (decimal):
Longitude (decimal):
Lat/Long Method:Interpolation - Map
Lat/Long Description:Other

EPA Default Map Value Latitude/Longitude

Latitude (decimal):37.2125
Longitude (decimal):-93.239444
Lat/Long Method:
Lat/Long Description:Other

Owner or Operator

Operator Name:3M Company
Operator Phone:6517331110
Street 1:3211 East Chestnut Expy
Street 2:
Foreign State:
Foreign ZIP:
Foreign Country:United States (US)

Person or Position Responsible for Part 68 (RMP) Implementation

Title:Plant Manager

Emergency Contact

Name:Eddie Franks
Title:Env., Health & Safety Manager
24-Hour Phone:4178693501
Extension or Pin:2190

Other Points of Contact

Facility or Parent Company E-mail:[email protected]
Facility Public Contact Phone:
Facility or Parent Company Web Site:

Local Emergency Planning Committee

LEPC:Greene County LEPC

Full Time Equivalent Employees

Number of full time employees (FTE) on site:250
FTE Claimed as CBI:No

Covered By

EPCRA 302:Yes
CAA Title V:Yes
Air Operating Permit ID:Applied for

OSHA Ranking

OSHA Star or Merit Ranking:No

Last Safety Inspection

Date Performed:1999-04-27
External Agency:Fire Department

Predictive Filing

Did this RMP involve predictive filing?No

Confidential Business Information (CBI)

CBI Claimed:No
Substantiation Provided:No
Unsanitized RMP Provided:No

Reportable Accidents

Reportable Accidents:No
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