Boskovich Farms, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The following Risk Management Program / Accidental Release Prevention Plan has been 
prepared for the Boskovich Farms, Inc. (Boskovich) facility located at 711 Diaz Avenue in 
Oxnard (see Figure 1).  This facility is a produce preparation and distribution facility, which 
operates various connected ammonia systems to cool produce prior to distribution.  This 
program has been prepared pursuant to Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4.5 of the California Code 
of Regulations. 
The ammonia refrigeration systems at Boskovich contain approximately 23,000 pounds of 
ammonia.  The maximum quantity of ammonia at the facility is approximately 33,300 pounds 
due to the presence of the Aqua Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration Plant (AAARP) located on 
the northeast corner of the Boskovich facility. The AAARP system is owned by Sithe Energies 
and operated by E.F. Oxnard, Inc. (E.F. Oxnard). The land where the AAARP system is located 
is leased from Boskovich by E.F. Oxnard.  Because th 
e AAARP system is owned and operated 
by E.F. Oxnard, risk management and accident prevention issues pertaining to this system are 
addressed in the E.F. Oxnard facility RMP documents. 
In July 1993, Boskovich prepared a Process Safety Management (PSM) Plan and a Risk 
Management and Prevention Program (RMPP). These documents were updated in August 
1997. Boskovich's PSM and RMPP are referenced by this RMP because they contain many 
of the elements required by the new RMP requirements. 
    1.1  Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
To prevent the accidental release of ammonia, Boskovich has developed the following:  
- Maintenance and inspection procedures to ensure that equipment is properly maintained and 
functioning properly. 
- Operating procedures to ensure that equipment is operated in a manner that minimizes the 
possibility of an ammonia release. 
- Employee training to ensure that operators know how to properly use the equipment and 
non-operators are aware o 
f the dangers of ammonia and the necessary steps to take in the 
event of an ammonia release. 
- The facility is secured by fencing around the site and a 24-hour guard to minimize the 
possibility of a third party damaging equipment or releasing ammonia. 
The programs are contained in Binder 2: Risk Management and Prevention Program. 
Boskovich has prepared an Emergency Response Plan to respond to ammonia releases. In 
general the plan includes: 
- A list of safety equipment available at the Boskovich facility; 
- Response procedures for minor leaks; 
- Response procedures for major emergencies; 
- Agency notification procedures; and  
- Emergency procedures. 
A copy of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for Boskovich can be found in Binder 2: Risk 
Management and Prevention Program, Section 10. Further description of the ERP is contained 
in Section 6.0 Emergency Response Program in this document. 
    1.2  Stationary Source and Substance Handled 
As explained above, Boskovich operates various  
ammonia cooling systems to cool produce 
prior to shipment.  The systems contain approximately 23,000 pounds of ammonia.  
    1.3  Accidental Release Scenarios 
The Worst Case Scenario (WC), atmospheric release of the maximum contents of the largest 
high pressure vessel (East Freezer; 4,635 lb) in 10 minutes, which is based upon Title 19 CCR 
Chapter 4.5 Article 4 criteria, is considered improbable and would result in offsite impacts. 
Alternate Scenario 1 (A1) is a one-minute release of a pressure safety valve (PSV) due to the 
overcharging of the system from a leaking AAARP solenoid valve.  This scenario also assumes 
the high pressure switch fails.  This scenario is considered occasional. 
Alternate Scenario 2 (A2), is a five-minute release from of a PSV due to the overcharging of 
the system from a leaking AAARP solenoid valve.  This scenario is the same as A1, except 
it assumes a slower response time by on-site safety personnel (i.e. the release occurs at 
night).  This scenario is co 
nsidered occasional. 
Alternate Scenario 3 (A3), is a release from a faulty ammonia transfer hose in the Hydrovac 
system.  This scenario is considered possible. 
In order to reduce the distance to the endpoint from an accidental release, the following 
administrative controls and mitigation measures are in place at Boskovich: 
- System operation and emergency response training; 
- Routine maintenance schedule and procedures; 
- Written operating procedures; 
- Release detection sensors promote early detection of a release; and 
- Security personnel who monitor the facility to ensure that no unauthorized personnel are on- 
Details regarding the offsite consequence analysis for the worst case and alternative release 
scenarios can be found in Section 3.0 of this document. 
    1.4  General Accidental Release Prevention Program Components and Substance-Specific 
    Prevention Steps 
The following components are contained in the following sections of this Risk Management 
Plan document: 
- Registration 
- Offsite Consequence Analysis 
- Five-year Accident History 
- Program 3 Prevention Program Component 
- Emergency Response Program 
- Certification 
- Update Procedure 
In order to further mitigate the effects of a ammonia release, the following risk management 
components are in place: 
- Maintenance and standard operating procedures for the ammonia systems. 
- The site is prevented from being accessed by trespassers with the use of fencing and on-site 
security personnel. 
- Emergency Response Plan. 
- Training for employees. 
- Incident investigation documentation and procedures. 
- Automatic system shutdowns. 
- Windsock for direction of wind visible on neighboring property. 
- Ammonia sensors (solid state) set at 150 ppm at various locations at the facility. 
    1.5  Five-year Accident History 
Boskovich has had no incidents in the past five years from the ammonia system that resulted 
in on site injuries that required medical attention.  
    1.6  Emergency Response Plan Com 
The Emergency Response/Action Plan (ERP) for the Boskovich facility has been prepared and 
contains information for responding to an ammonia release.  The general emergency response 
policy for the site when ammonia is released is to:  
- Determine the severity of the release; 
- Evacuate non-emergency response personnel to a safe area; 
- Have two trained employees don self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA); 
- Isolate and / or fix leak; and  
- Notify the appropriate personnel and authorities.   
    1.7  Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
The original RMPP plan identified recommendations, all of which have been implemented at 
the facility.  The RMPP plan was revised in 1997 and no additional recommendations were 
identified at the time.  There are currently no planned changes to improve safety.  
The following recommendations have been made based on a review of Boskovich's previous 
Process Hazard and Seismic Analyses, the recent Offsite Consequence Analysis, and site 
- Continue to document the implementation of the RMP Program 3 prevention items.
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