Eastside Wastewater Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

It is the intent of Environmental Management Corporation and The City of Evansville to protect our employees and the surrounding community in the event of an accidental chemical release.  The Hazardous Communication Program has been incorporated into the Risk Management Program to help evaluate the needs of our facility. Informational training sessions with employees on response to an emergency has prepared them to respond in a safe manner.  Our facility is a Wastwater Treatment plant and the wastwatwer is chlorinated for disinfection.  One Ton Cylinders of Chlorine are used in this process and there are usually between four and six cylinders on site. Two cylinders are manifolded at one time. One in use and one on stand-by. The worst case scenerio at this facility would be the release of a one ton cylinder.  Vacuum  Check Regulators are in place on each cylinder. For a release to occur the two checks would have to fail. These regulators are cleaned and inspected every six months for co 
mpentency.  There has never been any chlorine release that could not be routinely handled. The employees at the treatment facility have been trained to respond to leaks and are knowledgable of the emergency agencies to notify if a  leak cannot be contained immediatly. Mock drills will be conducted for all personel and community notification will be done with the cooporation of the Evansville Fire Dept. and Local Emergency Management.  Environmental Management Corporation and The City of Evansville will continue to monitor the chlorine process and take all necessary measures to prevent any accidental release. The safety of our employees and the community we serve  is our number one priorty.
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