Town of Siler City - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Town of Siler City Water Treatment Plant currently utilizes chlorine gas for disinfection in their normal treatment processs. While the Town intends to investigate the transition to another form of disinfection in the near future, this plan is being submitted in accordance with 40 CFR Part 68. The existing water treatment facility is in a remote location and poses only a minimum risk to the public in its worst case release.A copy of the plan is on record at the water treatment facility. 
Chlorine is the only regulated substance on the site which exceeds the EPA 40 CFR Part 68 rule. The worst and alternative release scenarios for offsite consequences were conducted in accordance with EPA's Risk Management Program Guidance and RMP*Comp Version 1.6 software. The public threat is a minimum due to the location of the facility being just outsice the urbanly developed area of Town. 
The Town of Siler City has had no accidents to report in the last five years. The Emergency Response Plan i 
ncludes a decision tree and notification plan. The emergency response program is coordinated with local emergency personnel. A copy of all assessment and emergency response information is included in the Town's Risk Management Plan located at the water treatment facility.
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