Broad Creek Public Service District - Executive Summary |
Broad Creek Public Service District Risk Management Plan Executive Summary The Broad Creek Public Service District Wastewater Treatment Facility provides wastewater treatment to the central area of Hilton Head Island. The District encompasses an area of approximately 2,000 acres and is bordered by Broad Creek on the west, the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Shipyard Plantation and Long Cove on the south, and Hilton Head Public Service District No. 1 to the north. The Broad Creek PSD Facility's treatment capacity is two million gallons per day, and meets Advanced Waste Treatment standards. The facility uses a multistage treatment process to treat the incoming wastewater flow. The biosolids in the wastewater flow are separated from the effluent water. The biosolids are used in the District's innovative composing system to produce a high grade environmentally safe soil conditioner. The treated, clear effluent water is disinfected using chlorine prior to discharging the effluent for rec laimed water applications. Chlorine is received and stored at the facility in one ton cylinders. Chlorine gas is greenish yellow in color and liquid chlorine has a clear amber color. Chlorine gas is approximately 2 = times heavier than air and liquid chlorine is approximately 1 = times heavier than water. Chlorine in non-explosive and it's odor is easily detectable at very low concentrations. The official policy of the Broad Creek PSD Commission is stated as follows: "The personal safety and health of each employee of the Broad Creek PSD is of primary importance. The prevention of injuries and illnesses is of such consequence that is will be given precedence over the normal operations and functions of the District whenever necessary. To the greatest extent possible, the Commission will provide all mechanical and physical facilities required for personal safety and health in keeping with the highest standards." To help in the prevention of accidental releases of chlorine, Bro ad Creek PSD's safety program includes maintaining the equipment to insure proper operation, utilizing operating procedures requiring qualified personnel, and continuous monitoring at the facility with chlorine gas detectors. The worst case release scenario of chlorine assumes failure of a full one ton cylinder over a ten minute period under worst case meteorological conditions. Without considering on-site controls, the endpoint distance of the worst case release scenario is 1.3 miles centered at the Broad Creek PSD Wastewater Treatment Facility. The alternate case release scenario of chlorine is based on failure of a 1/4 inch flexible connector between the container and chlorine header. Assuming typical meteorological conditions and a release over a period of 60 minutes, the endpoint distance of the alternate case release is 0.1 miles centered at the Broad Creek PSD Wastewater Treatment Facility. In the past five years, Broad Creek PSD has had one accidental release of chlorine. This occurred in May, 1997, with approximately 100 pounds being released, with no offsite injuries or damage. The Broad Creek PSD emergency response program consists of personnel training to respond quickly and safely to emergencies, and notification of any emergencies to the Town of Hilton Head Island Fire Department and emergency response teams. |