MSUD Waste Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Madison Suburban Utility District Operates a water treatment plant that utilizes chlorine in the disinfection process.  The amount of chlorine stored on-site is above the threshold amount requiring the development of a Risk Management Plan.  This facility is also required to complete a Process Safety Manual under the OSHA requirements. 
A worst-case and alternate release scenario have been considered for purposes of the Risk Management Plan.  In the worst-case release scenario, the distance to the toxic endpoint is 0.9 miles and the affected population is 13,700.  In the alternate release scenario the distance to the toxic endpoint is 0.1 miles and the affected population is 170. 
Program 3 level requirements are applicable to the Madison Treatment Plant.  A Program 3 prevention program has been compiled and is kept on file at the facility.  In addition, a site-specific emergency response plan has also been written and is kept at the facility.
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