Ada Branch - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Farmers Commission Company strives to do everything feasible to ensure that all business activities are completed with as little risk as possible.  The Farmers Commission Company employees receive regular training in the areas of operations and safety to minimize the potential of a release due to human error. 
Anhydrous ammonia is received, transferred, stored, and redistributed as a fertilizer for our farmer customers.  Our maximum quantity stored at any time in our two tanks is 140,196 pounds or 16,800 gallons. 
The worst case release scenario would be to have all the ammonia released from the largest storage tank and reach a toxic endpoint of 200 ppm at .96 miles from the tank.   
As an alternative release scenario in the event of equipment failure, the amount released would reach a toxic endpoint of 200 ppm 0.4 miles from the tank. 
We have instituted procedures for storage and handling of Anhydrous Ammonia as required by OSHA. 
We have not had a release resulting in any of the crit 
eria stated in 40 CFR 68.48. 
We have an Emergency Response Plan and all current personnel have been trained in the procedures.  All new hires will receive this training as part of their new employee orientation.  All agencies and contracted emergency care providers have received training in the hazards associated with responding to a release of Anhydrous Ammonia. 
It is the policy of The Farmers Commission Company to remain proactive in the area of accident prevention and minimization of loss in the event of a release.  We will continue to conduct self audits and compliance inspections of equipment and procedures on a scheduled basis.  Through our inspection process and insistence of maintaining equipment with the Federal, State, and local agencies, the opportunity for accidental releases will have little chance.
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