Milacron Inc., Products Div. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at your facility:  This facility complies with OSHA's 29 CFR Part 1910.119 - Process Safety Management (PSM), and OAC Rules 3745-65-50 to 3745-65-56.  It is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws.  If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to follow the emergency procedures outlined in our 1999 Emergency and Disaster Manual.  The procedures in our Emergency and Disaster Manual include notifying Milacron Security, our internal response team, and if necessary the local fire department. 
A description of your facility and the regulated substances handled:  This facility's manufacturing processes include developing and mixing machine tool coolants and  producing grinding wheels.  The facility uses formaldehyde (37% solution) in its processes and manages the substance in less than 90-day tank storage quantities. 
The worst-case and alternative release scenarios:  Our worst-case scenario is 
failure of one 10,000-gallon storage tank when 100% filled, resulting in a toxic release.  The resulting distance to the endpoint extends offsite, and the only receptor is another manufacturing plant.  The endpoint distance is relatively small (0.1 mi.) because the formaldehyde is in solution and the holding tank is within a dike that mitigates the spill.  Our alternative release scenario is a break in a 3-inch diameter pipe, leading to a toxic release.  The resulting alternative case distance is also 0.1 miles. 
The general accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps:  This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations.  The formaldehyde system is maintained in accordance with OSHA's 29 CFR Part 1910.119. 
Five-year accident history:  Milacron Inc. has not had an accident involving formaldehyde that caused injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or shelterings in place f 
or the past five years. 
The emergency response program:  In the event of an emergency involving our formaldehyde process, it is our policy to follow the guidelines outlined in our 1999 Emergency and Disaster Manual.  Our manual was recently updated and is intended for the protection of the employees of Milacron Inc. and our neighbors surrounding our plant.  The plan ensures that the most efficient methods of response by certified individuals can take place during a possible incident. 
Among other things, our plan covers arson and bomb threats, chemical spills, civil disturbances, fire/explosions, and first aid procedures.  The plan is also intended as a reference source to familiarize local emergency response agencies, fire and police departments, and area hospitals on operations related to operations at Milacron's Oakley facility. 
In the event of a chemical emergency at the Oakley facility, Main Security is notified immediately.  Security then notifies a trained Emergency Commander. 
 There are two secondary Emergency Commander contacts in the event that the primary Emergency Commander is not immediately available.  The Emergency Commanders have complete authority to commit all resources of the company to carry out the Emergency Response Contingency Plan in the event of an emergency.  The contingency plan contains a contact list that includes all internal response managers, the fire department, and emergency response contractors.  It should be noted that the main contact for emergency at our plant is our Main Security office, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Our Main Security office is trained for emergency operations and ensures that the fastest response times are attained. 
Planned changes to improve safety:  None.
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