Chinchiolo Fruit Company - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1. Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
This facility handles ammonia (anhydrous), which is considered a hazardous material.  The properties of this material make it necessary to observe safety precautions in handling to prevent human exposure and to reduce the threat to the facility's workers and nearby members of the community.  It is the facility's policy to adhere to all applicable Federal and State of California rules and regulations.  Safety depends upon the safe procedures used to handle the ammonia; the safety devices and systems designed and constructed into the facility; and the training of the pertinent personnel. 
2. Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Handled 
Throughout the cleaning, sorting, fumigation, and processing of cherries at the Chinchiolo Fruit Company (CFC), the fruit must be preserved from deterioration by refrigeration.  Ammonia is used for this purpose.  The ammonia at CF 
C is completely contained within a closed loop system at all times and should never need to be refilled with replacement ammonia at any time under normal operating conditions. An estimated 12,700 pounds of ammonia are utilized within the refrigeration systems at CFC and are distributed between the hydrocoolers, the mechanical room, and the CA rooms.  The receipt, storage, and handling of the subject substance is considered as part of one complete process. 
3a.  Worst Case Release Scenario 
The Worst Case release scenario to be modeled assumes that the full 12,700 pounds of ammonia in the High Pressure Receiver is released over a ten minute period resulting in a release rate of 699 pounds per minute.  The distance to the endpoint of  .14 mg/l for the Worst Case scenario is 1.0 mile.  This ammonia release will extend beyond the boundaries of the stationary source. 
3b.  Alternative Release Scenario 
The Alternative Release scenario for the ammonia assumes a failure  of the liquid level g 
auge on the high pressure receiver tank located in the Mechanical Room, resulting in a release in an enclosed room in direct contact with the outside air.  The estimated release rate is 0.9 pound per minute for one minute, resulting in a total release quantity of 0.9 pounds for the regulated substance.  The distance to the endpoint of  .14 mg/l for the Alternative Release scenario is 0.1 mile.  The ammonia release will extend beyond the boundaries of the stationary source. 
3c.  Administrative Controls 
Administrative controls to limit the distances for each reported scenario exists to restrict to a minimum the amount of ammonia released, if a release were to occur, and preferably to not have a release occur.  This administrative control is inherent in the operational procedures for the ammonia systems and the training provided to the ammonia operators. 
3d.  Mitigation Measures 
Mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario exists to restrict to a minimum the a 
mount of ammonia released, if a release were to occur, and preferably to not have a release occur.  The mitigation measures are based upon the design, inspection, testing, and maintenance of the ammonia system nd its related equipment and components. 
4. General Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical Specific Prevention Steps 
The facility complies with all applicable federal and state codes and regulations.  There are safety meetings and safety training.  The Process Safety Management (PSM) program implemented at the facility for the ammonia related activities and equipment represents one of the facility's main active commitments to an accidental release prevention program. 
5. Five Year Accident History 
There have been no incidents involving the release of ammonia within the past five years at the facility. 
6. Emergency Response Program 
The Emergency Response Program is based on alerting personnel at the facility of the need to evacuate the facility and await the arriv 
al of responders from the City of Stockton Fire Department at the evacuation assembly location if a release occurs that causes the evacuation to be initiated.  The San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services incorporates this response into the County Area Plan for the Region 4 Local Emergency Planning Commission. 
7. Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
There are commitments made under the Process Hazard Analysis element of the Process Safety Management (PSM) that are being implemented at this time for the next year.   
Current applicable codes and regulations are reviewed as part of the PSM to determine if other commitments need to be made to achieve increased operational safety for the regulated ammonia process system.  These commitments will be prevention and mitigation measures for accidental releases of the regulated substance.
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