Lexington Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

  Release prevention is control is by administrative control and mechanical 
  Administrative control include limiting chlorine to less than 6000 lbs. on site, restricting change of containers to trained and experience personel on this procedures. Change of containers is limited to Monday- Friday from 8am to 5pm. 
 Personel check the operation of the system every two hours 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 
 The chlorine area is protected by an Alarm system to detect a release of chlorine of 1ppm.  In addition there is a Vaccum Regulator to cut off chlorine to the feed system in the event of a leak. 
  Response to an emergency is that once a leak is detected and it is detetermined that the release is of such nature that the enviroment, personel, or the public is at risk the person is to notify Davidson County Emergency Management through 911 control center. DCEM is to contact plant personel through a provided list and other emergency units as required for the situation. 
  Plant person 
el are to Secure the plant site, evacuate the plant site and have all personel not needed to control the event to report to department head office up town. Person in control of the event is to insecure the security of the plant  and allow only emergency personel into the event area.Emergency personel include but not limited to: 
                   1. Lexington Fire Dept 
                   2. Davidson County EMT 
                   3. LWWTP Response Personel 
                   4. Vender Response Team 
                   5. Federal and State Agencies 
 If an event should occur there shall be at least 2 people entering the problem area with protective gear and SCBA. There shall be the same number people outside the event area dressed the same as the people entering the event area and prepared for relief or rescue of personel in the event area. 
 The stationary source is located in the center of the main compound of the plant site and the regulated substance is chloriene in one ton cont 
 The worse case scenario is that of a broken distribution valve. This valve is protected by a container design of which the valve area is concave area an a transportation cap over the valve. At the distribution site there is a guard in front the valve when the transportation is removed. 
 The containers are not to be moved without cap covers on the containers, only trained expierence personel are to move thes containers to and from distribution area.  
 Trained means the person has been through classes on Hazardous material with primary interest on          chlorine. 
 Expierence means that personel has had hands on work with our system with personel that are proficient with our system and has obtained knowledge of how to operate the system overtime and do procedures wiyhout error. response to this worse case is discribed above under response. 
  The alternate case scenario is that of a leak around a packen nut on the valve either by valve failure or operator error.As that no 
t as much chlorine would be released the response to such an event is the same as discribed above under response. 
 As that these containers are in a room open to the atmosphere and storage of containers are on a loading dock there is no physical way to other than discribed above. 
 Accidental release program is that of safe handling of chlorine and procedures to take in the event of a release. The primary preventive steps are proper training of personel for instalation of containers , proper inspection of equiptment, and correct repair of equiptment by vendors or maintence personel. 
 Also following manufacture safe operating and procedures practice. 
 There have been no release of chlorine in the last 5 years at this facility. 
 Emergency response is discribed above and training is given annually. 
 Plan changes to increase safty is to change to onther process which would remove pressure chlorine containers from the plant site.
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