City of Winfield Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at the stationary source 
The City of Winfield is committed to secure handling of chlorine gas at the water treatment plant.  It is recognized that while chlorine is an indispensable part of public health protection, it poses significant hazards if not handled properly.  The City of Winfield will abide by all pertinent EPA RMP regulations to guard against accidental releases of chlorine at the water treatment plant, and, if they do occur, to minimized their harm to the surrounding community and environment.  Additionally, the City of Winfield will always "be on the look out" for more efficient, safer methods of handling chlorine and, as circumstances and budget allow, for a less toxic alternative disinfection regime (i.e., ozone, etc.). 
The stationary source and regulated substances handled 
Stationary source: 
The City of Winfield 
nicipal Water Treatment Plant 
Physical location: At north edge of city limits, = mile east of Winfield Pre-release Correctional Facility on College Street 
Regulated substance: 
Worst case release scenario 
Release of the contents of an entire one ton chlorine cylinder. 
Administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distance affected by the release 
Most of the chlorine line is on a vacuum system, if there is a break in the line, the vacuum will minimize the escape of chlorine. 
In the event of a release, the chlorinator(s) and/or entire water system will be shut off as needed. 
In the event of a release, all access doors to the chlorine room will be closed. 
In the event of a release, 911 will be notified immediately.  The possible need for public evacuation will be stressed to 911. 
Alternative release scenario 
A pinhole leak develops in the <" aluminum from the chlorine cylinder to the manifold.  This pinhole progresses to a full break in the  
Administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distance affected by the release 
Most of the chlorine line is on a vacuum system, if there is a break in the line, the vacuum will minimize the escape of chlorine. 
In the event of a release, the chlorinator(s) and/or entire water system will be shut off as needed. 
In the event of a release, all access doors to the chlorine room will be closed. 
In the event of a release, 911 will be notified immediately. 
The general accidental release prevention program and chemical specific prevention steps 
General accidental release prevention program 
All water plant employees are subject to ongoing training as treatment plant operators.  Part of this training addresses chlorine handling. 
Generally, employees use the "buddy system" when engaged in hazardous or potential hazardous tasks. 
Equipment is maintained or replaced as needed to ensure no mishaps occur to equipment failure. 
Chemical specific prevention steps 
All water plan 
t employees are subject to ongoing training in chlorine handling.  
Chlorine safety information is centralized and available to employees.   
A hazard review has been conducted.  
Operating procedures for handling the chlorine cylinders have been developed.   
Maintenance procedures for chlorine equipment have been developed.  
Compliance audit procedures have been developed.   
Investigation procedures have been developed.   
The five year accident history 
No chlorine accidents have occurred in the five years prior to the date of this RMP plan. 
An emergency response program has been developed and is in place 
Planned changes to improve safety 
No changes are planned at this time.
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