Foss Water Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Foss Water plant produces drinking water for 6 city's. The water for treatment comes from the Foss Reservoir. The plant can produce 2.8 million gallons a day. 
THE Foss Water Plant is a Electrodialysis plant , this process is used to remove the high mineral's from the water. This has to be done to make potable water. The plant is located seven miles North of Foss,Ok. The plant is on the east side of Reservoir. The plant is operated by seven employees Chlorine Gas is used to disinfect the drinking water. This process is used by almost all water treatment plant's in the U.S. 
The plant has a Local Emergency Operation Plan in place if there is a chlorine leak. First plant Employees will try to locate leak and stop if possible. The local plan will be put in action if leak can not be stoped. 
In the event of a worest-case scenarios a 3 mile area around the treatment will have to be evacuated. Also local plan will be put in place . The local park ranger and county sheriff will also be not n 
otified to help with evacuation. 
In the event of a alternative-case scenarios a .3 mile area around the treatment plant will need to be evacuated. The plant is located in a rural area behind the Foss Reservoir so no homes are in the .2 mile area. 
In the last five years we have not had a accident with are chlorine. 
The employees have been in training provided by chlorine supplier,also in house training is provied by private firm monthly. The plant  has a response plan in place if it is needed. 
In the response plan the emergency coordinator will be contacted and he will contact all emergency response personnel as plan outlines. The local fire department  is supplied with a Sara Title III report yearly.The local fire department has visted the plant and walked throght the plant to learn about our operation. 
We are not planing any changes in are chlorine system at this time .
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