| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The purpose of this document is to inform persons,including the public, that the Galax Wastewater Treatment Facility is complying with the EPA Accidental Release Prevention Requirements:Risk Management Programs under the Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7).This regulation is published in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)Part 68.The Risk Management Program was developed in response to public concern regarding the consequences that a catastrophic chemical release may have on surrounding communities and the environment.The Clean Air Act required EPA to develop the RMP in an effort to help prevent accidental releases of regulated subtances and reduce the severity of a release should one occur.  We have one or more subtances that are above the threshold quanities as specified in Section68.130 or 40 CFR Part 68,and therefore must comply with the RMP Program.This program provides our facility with an integrated approach to identifying and managing the hazards posed by regulated sub 
tances.Under this program,our facility has assessed and continues to assesshazards to determine how accidental releases can impact the public health and environment.The eligability criteria for Program 2 is as follows:
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