CASH GRAIN of Girard - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

We are a new plant with only anhydrous.  We are two (2) miles from the closest town.  Our employees, who handle our anhydrous, have worked with it for at least three (3) years to twenty-three (23) years and have had a vast amount of anhydrous safety training.  We have the proper NH3 safety equipment and have City and County personnell who are well-trained on anhydrous.  We purchased approximately forty-eight (48) acres for our plant due to its location.  The nearest school, church and rest home is at least one and a half (1=) miles away from us to the south and southwest (down-wind).  The closest house, other than the one we own, is a quarter of a mile southeast of us (down-wind).  Our supply tank and nurse tanks are well-lighted.  One of our employees, who is well trained on anhydrous, lives in the house on our property.  Therefore, we will have someone who will be immediately available in case of an emergency.
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