Merschman Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The accidential release prevention and emergency response policies at Merschman Inc. 
This facility complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws. If an emergency were to occur it is our policy to notify the Lee County LEPC and request they respond to the emergency. 
A description of Merschmans Inc and the regulated substance. 
This facility manufacters liquid plant food for resale to retail dealers. We use both Aqueous Ammonia and Anhydrous Ammonia in the manufactoring of Liquid Plant Food. 
The facility consists of 1 18,000 gallon tank of Annhydros Ammonia and 2- 220,000 lbs tanks of Aqueous Ammonia 
The Worst case senerio for Anhydrous Ammonia is failure of 1 tank resulting 75,000 lbs of gas liquified by pressure. According to the EPA lookup table the endpoint is 4.9 miles with a population of 5231. 
The worst case senerio for Aqueous Ammonia is faliure of 1 tank resulting in 7580 lbs toxic liquid spilling to the ground in a diked area. According to the EPA lookup table t 
he distance of the endpoint is 0.1 miles with a population of 89 people. 
The general accidential release prevention program and chemical specific prevention steps. 
This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state, local codes and regulations. 
Five year accident history.  
We have never had an accident involving either Anhydros Ammonia or Aqua Ammoia that caused death, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations or shelterings in place. 
The emergency response program. 
In the event of an emergency involving our chemicals we will notify the Lee County LEPC 
Planned changes to improve safety. NONE
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