Wheelabrator Shasta Inc - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.0    Executive Summary    (40 CFR 68.155) 
40 CFR 68.155 requires that each Risk Management Plan ('RMP') contain an Executive Summary which contains a brief description of the delineated data items in subsections (a) through (g). 
(a) The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at the stationary source. 
RESPONSE:    The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at Wheelabrator  Shasta  include detailed safety and operation  procedures for the use of  ammonia at the Shasta. Shasta has one anhydrous ammonia tank.  The ammonia from the tank is used in Shasta's air pollution control for nitrogen oxides.  The tank size is 12,000 gal but is filled to no more than 10,200 gals. 
The ammonia processe at Shasta is subject to OSHA 1910 requirements for Process Safety Management.  Compliance with the 1910 requirements as supplemented by the RMP specific requirements are the basis for the Shasta's accidental release prevention program for ammonia. 
The response pr 
ogram includes notification of the appropriate County Agencies and they are they are the responding agency for any release. 
(b) The stationary source and the regulated substance handled: 
RESPONSE:    Wheelabrator solid waste combustion facility that that converts biomass fuels into electrical energy.  The sole regulated substance subject to the RMP requirements is ammonia as used in (a) above. 
(c) The worst case release scenario(s) and the alternative release scenario(s) including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario: 
RESPONSE:     The worst case release scenario is the full release of the on-site tank.  Since the tank is limited to a maximum storage capacity of 10,200. This is the worst case modeled for the RMP.  Mitigation and administrative controls included conformance with the standard operating procedures for the tank as established by Shasta. 
(d) The general accidental release prevention program and the chemical-spe 
cific prevention steps. 
RESPONSE:    The general accidental release prevention and chemical specific prevention steps include: 
1. Conformance to the Safety Procedures as established for the ammonia processuse at the site including conformance with the OSHA 1910 Process Safety Management requirements . 
2. Training of all personnel in the Safety procedures for ammonia use. 
3. Inspection of the ammonia tank and the associated delivery system  in accordance with the preventative maintenance monthly checks. 
4. Updating the Hazard review as necessary. 
(e).    The five year accident history. 
RESPONSE:    No accidents or incidents within the meaning of the regulations implementing 40 CFR 68 within the last 5 years. 
(f).    The Emergency Response Program: 
RESPONSE:    The Emergency Response Program includes  notification by Shasta County in accordance with the Emergency Action Plan as developed under 1910. 
(g).    Planned changes to improve safety. 
RESPONSE:    The planned changes to improve safety include  
updates to the safety plan and standard operation procedures for ammonia as necessary and as may be  recommended by our ammonia gas supplier.
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