Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary |
We have adopted this Program in order to implement 40 CFR 68, the federal requirements regulating Risk Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals. This Program will help prevent the occurrance of, or minimize the consequences of, catastrophic releases by stating our policies and procedures for the management of process hazards. in start-up, operation, inspection, maintenance and the other matters addressed in the federal standard. Our Program calls for maximum employee participation and includes all elements of the employee participation provisions of the standard. We shall, as a miminum: (1) consult with employees and their representatives on the conducts and development of the process hazard review and other elements of the risk management plan, and (2) provide to our employees and their representatives access to the process hazard review and all other information required under that standard. Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies The City of Blackwell has taken steps to train the operators, supervisor, maintenance crews, and fire department to be first responders to a scene. The training included three days of classroom and hands-on training and the proper use of emergency response equipment and procedures. The course followed the guidelines stated in OSHA 1910.120 Stationary Source and Regulated Substances The Wastewater Treatment Plant utilizes chlorine for disinfection of wastewater from the City of Blackwell. The maximum inventory of chlorine the Wastewater Treatment Plant may have onsite is 4,000 lbs. The threshold quantity for chlorine is 2,500 lbs. Offsite Consequence Analysis The offsite consequence analysis includes a worst-case release scenario and an alternative release scenario as defined in 40 CFR 68. A dense-gas dispersion model (SLAG) was used to determine the endpoint distnaces for both scenarios. A dense-gas model is required since chlorine is heavier than air. RMP* Comp Input Parameters Worst-Case Scenario Alternative Scenario Windspeed (m/s) 1.5 3.0 Atmosphheric Stability Class F D Temperature (degrees F) 77 77 Surface Rougness flat flat End Points (mg/l) 0.0087 0.0087 Theresults of the air dispersion model are summarized in the table below along with the estimated populaton within the impact area. The population data was estimated using the Block uniform Density Group Method in Landview III. The public and environmental receptors are listed in section 7 of this plan. RMP* Comp Output Results Worst-Case Scenatrio Alternative Scenario Impact Radius (miles) 3.0 0.40 Estimated Population within Impact Area 1,548 192 General Accidental Release Prevention Program The City of Blackwel has implemented a General Accidnetla Release Prevention Program to minimize releases. This program includes: safety information on the covered chemicals, hazard reviews, operatinf and maintenance procedures, training, compliance audits, incident investigations, and emergency response procedures. Five-year AccidentHistory In the last 5 years, there have not been any accidental releases from the covered processes that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage onsite, or know offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering-in-place, property damage, or envionmental damage. |