Johanna Foods, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                    RMP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 
     Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response 
    Johanna Foods, Inc. is committed to providing a safe 
environment for its employees as well as the surrounding 
community. Johanna Foods, Inc. has operated its ammonia 
refrigeration system following its RMP Program. The RMP Program 
was developed in 1991 to comply with New Jersey's Toxic 
Catastrophe Prevention Act. The Standard Operating Procedures, 
Preventative Maintenance Program, Management of Change Program, 
Emergency Response Plan, and other elements of the RMP Program 
have developed over the years to further improve the safety, 
reliability, and risk reduction of the ammonia refrigeration 
                     Johanna Foods, Inc. 
    Johanna Foods, Inc. has three production plants on one site. 
The Juice Plant packages chilled juice products in half gallon, 
quart and pint paper containers that require refrigeration for 
processing and storage. The Aseptic Plant pac 
kages juice products 
in Brik Pak containers (drink boxes) in a variety of sizes and 
flavors that requires refrigeration for processing but not for 
storage. The Yogurt Plant packages yogurt products in cup 
containers of various sizes, styles, and flavors that require 
refrigeration for processing and storage. Anhydrous ammonia is 
the regulated chemical that is used as the refrigerant. The 
quantity of anhydrous ammonia contained in the refrigeration 
system  on site varies up to 55,000 pounds. The anhydrous ammonia 
is not consumed or produced by the refrigeration system. The 
refrigeration system circulates the anhydrous ammonia converting 
it from a liquid to a vapor to create cooling, then condensing 
the vapor back to a liquid to be used again. 
                 Worst-case Release Scenario 
    The worst-case release scenario assumed that the largest 
vessel in the refrigeration system, the receiver, was 95% full of 
anhydrous ammonia. This would be a quantity of 38,000 pounds of 
ammonia. This scenario was analyzed using RMP*Comp Ver. 
1.06. The estimated distance to toxic endpoint of .14 mg/L 
reached 1.1 miles. It was estimated using Land View 3 that this 
would effect 1419 people, residences, one school, and a car 
dealership. However, Land View 3 averages the total population of 
the county area and produces the number of people per square 
mile. Johanna Foods, Inc. has large building around the receiver. 
To the north is wooded area and farmland. To the east are car 
dealerships and businesses. To the south is woods and farmland. 
To the west is woods and sparse housing. The actual number of 
people effected would be less than 1419. 
                 Alternative Release Scenario 
    The alternative release scenario is also the refrigeration 
system receiver. The worst-case release scenario assumed the 
receiver being 95% full. This would be a very abnormal condition 
for the receiver. The normal operating level of the receiver is 
15% to 25% full. For the alternativ 
e release scenario the normal 
operating level of the receiver at 25% full, 10,000 pounds, was 
used with a hole or puncture of three square inches. The release 
rate would be 362 pounds per minute and would last about 30 
minutes. This scenario was also analyzed using RMP*Comp Ver. 
1.06. The estimated distance to toxic endpoint of .14 mg/L 
reached .2 miles. It was estimated using Land View 3 that this 
would effect 27 people. However, Land View 3 averages the total 
population of the county area and produces the number of people 
per square mile. Johanna Foods, Inc. has large building around 
the receiver. To the north is wooded area and farmland. To the 
east are car dealerships and businesses. To the south is woods 
and farmland. To the west is woods and sparse housing. Based on 
.2 miles the endpoint would go offsite but would not reach the 
car dealership or any offsite housing. 
 General Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical- 
                     specific Prevention 
nna Foods, Inc. has operated its ammonia refrigeration 
system following its RMP Program developed in 1991 to comply with 
New Jersey's Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act. The Standard 
Operating Procedures are used for every task performed on the 
refrigeration system. All equipment is checked daily using 
checksheets from the S.O.P.'s Steady State Operations section. 
The Preventative Maintenance Program requires checksheets to 
inspect all refrigeration equipment in greater detail every six 
months, yearly testing of all safety interlocks and controls, and 
a five year schedule to replace safety relief valves. Any repairs 
required by the inspections are tracked with a PC based Work 
Order System. Any modification to the system is performed 
following the Management of Change Program. The M.O.C. requires a 
dispersion analysis to determine if the change could cause 
offsite impact or not. Offsite impact would result in performing 
a risk assessment of the change to identify all hazards and items 
further reduce the risk of a release. All EHS operators are 
trained in all aspects of the RMP and annual refresher training 
is performed high lighting any changes to procedures or 
                  Five Year Accident History 
    There have been no accidents. 
                   Emergency Response Plan 
    Johanna Foods, Inc. has an Emergency Response Plan that 
addresses emergency situations including an anhydrous ammonia 
release. This description will address procedures for an 
anhydrous ammonia release. There are procedures to follow for 
anyone how discovers a potential release to notify the Johanna 
Foods, Inc. guard shack. The guard would notify an EHS operator, 
by radio, to investigate the potential release. If the EHS 
operator finds a release he notifies the guard to sound the 
ammonia release evacuation alarm that sounds in the effected 
area. The site personnel evacuate the area, lead by an Evacuation 
Coordinator (EVC), who upon meeting at the designated evacuation 
area, conducts a headcount. The guard also follows procedures to 
notify the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC), or an alternate, 
to command the Emergency Response Team (ERT). The ERT members at 
the effected area don SCBAs and perform a search of the effected 
area. The ERC radios the EVC by radio for the result of the 
headcount and informs the response team of any missing personnel 
to search for. The ERC follows the Emergency Response Plan which 
includes procedures on how to contact local emergency responders 
such as police, fire department, rescue squad, and LEPC. Once all 
personnel and accounted for the EHS operators of the ERT start to 
isolate the release and monitor the area. The ERT is made up of 
EHS operators, production operators who have first aid training, 
and various maintenance personnel to assist in an emergency. Site 
personnel are trained annually on the evacuation procedures. The 
ERT is trained annually on the procedures of the Emergency 
Response Plan and the use of Eme 
rgency Response Equipment. Two 
drills are conducted per year, one rollout and one tabletop. For 
1998 Johanna Foods, Inc. conducted two rollouts to expose more 
site personnel to the drills.
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