Glenwood Ag Center - Executive Summary

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Exwcutive Summary - Anhydrous Ammonia 
Accidental Release Prevention and Emergrency Response Policies 
It is Glenwood Ag Center of Fayette County Farm Bureau Co-op intention to provide for the safety of our employees, customers and the general public concerning anhydrous ammonia. 
Our facility complies with all federal, state and local requlations and the 1989 ANSI K61.1 "Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia." 
We Conduct annual safety inspections, conduct employee and customer training to ensure safe work practices involving anhydrous ammonia.   
We have an emergency response policy outlining procedures to follow invvolving an incident with anhydrous ammonia. 
Description of Our Facility and the regulated substances handled: 
Our facility is a retail farm supply outlet.  We handle a variety of farm chemicals and fertilizers including anhydrous ammonia that is considered an EHS material and regulated by EPA.  We distribute anhydrous ammonia to our customer 
s in 1000 gallon nurse tanks. 
Wehave one 30,000 gallon stationary storage tank for anhydrous ammonia at our facility.  This tank would contain 130,050 pounds of anhydrous ammonia if filled to its maximum allowable quanitiy. 
Worse Case Scenario 
Our worse case scenario would be the loss of the entire contents of our 30,000 gallon storage tank released as a gas over aten minute period resulting in total vaporization of the material.  The maximum quanitiy released would be 130,050 pounds of material  resulting in an off-site impact.  Fayette County Co-op has never experienced this type of a release. 
Alternative Release Scenario 
The most common alternative release scenario would be a transfer hose failure resulting in a two minute release until manual shut down could be completed.  This would result in a release of 12,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia.  Fayette County Co-op has never experienced this type of release. 
Five-year Accident History 
There have been no accident in the last fiv 
e years at this facility. 
Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
There aare no planned changes to our storage facility at this time.
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