Source Identification
Venice Gardens Water Reclamation Facility |
Sarasota County Government |
Submission and Acceptance
First-Time Submission |
1999-06-01 |
1999-05-28 |
2004-05-28 |
1999-06-04 |
Yes |
Yes |
Facility Identification
Dun and Bradstreet Numbers (DUNS)
Facility Location Address
375 Venice East Blvd. Venice, FL 34293 |
Sarasota County |
Facility Latitude and Longitude
EPA Default Map Value Latitude/Longitude
27.068378 |
-82.38007 |
Plant Entrance (General) |
Owner or Operator
John Czahoroski |
9414862349 |
375 Venice East Blvd. |
Venice |
FL |
34293 |
United States (US) |
Person or Position Responsible for Part 68 (RMP) Implementation
John Czahoroski |
Facilities Supervisor |
Emergency Contact
John Czahoroski |
Facilities Supervisor |
9414862349 |
9412152247 |
Other Points of Contact
9413786100 | |
Local Emergency Planning Committee
Full Time Equivalent Employees
Covered By
OSHA Ranking
Last Safety Inspection
Predictive Filing
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
Reportable Accidents