Big West Oil LLC - Executive Summary |
Big West Oil LLChas a long standing commitment to worker and public safety. This commitment is demonstrated by the resources invested in accident prevention, such as personnel training programs, equipment inspection programs, operating procedures, and engineering and adminstrative controls in our process. It is our policy to adhere to all aplicable state and Federal rules and regulations. Our main goal is to take steps necessary to prevent releases of regulated substances. However, if a release does occur, we have trained personnel and the appropriate equipment to respond to the release and implement control and containment strategies, if they can be implemented without compromising the safety of the team. Our emergency response program is based upon OSHA PSM guidelines. The emergency response plan includes procedures for notification of the local fire department and an potentially affected neighbors. Big West Oil LLC's Flying J refinery, located in North Salt Lake, Utah, operat es a petroleum refinery whose primary products include gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, petroleum wax, kerosene, propane, butane, and isobutane from raw crude oil. Regulated flammable substances used or stored on site in quantities exceeding the threshold quantities include butane, isobutane, and propane. Big West Oil LLC also stores hydrofluoric acid (anhydrous) in quantities exceeding the RMP threshold quantity. The worst-case release of a Program 3 toxic substance at Big West Oil LLC's Flying J Refinery is a catastrophic failure of the hydrofluoric acid tank, causing the release of 70,000 pounds of acid over a 10 minute period. Although Big West Oil Company utilizes numerous administrative controls and activie mitigation systems to minimize the consequences of such a release, we did not take credit for any mitigating factors in calculating the extent of the release. Due to the fact that no conrols or mitigation factors were considered, the release would result in off-site cons equences. The alternative release scenario for hydrofluoric acid is a failure of the depropanizer feed pump seal, resulting in a release of 54.6 pounds of acid over a 15 minute duration. It was estimated that 50% of the release was reduced by the use of water canons. This scenario would result in off-site consequences. The worst-case release scenario of a flammable regulated substance for Program 3 processes is a vapor cloud explosion. This scenario would result in the release of 320,000 pounds of propane, which is the largest inventory of a flammable regulated substance at the refinery. No mitigating factors were considered in calculating the worst-case release. This scenario would result in off-site consequences. The alternative release scenario of a flammable regulated substance is the vapor cloud explosion of butane. It was assumed that a coupling connecting a butane loading line to a rail car broke, resulting in the release of the entire vessel. It was estimated that 50% of the release was reduced by using water canons to mitigate the release, resulting in 47,500 pounds being released. This scenario would have minimal off-site consequences. Processes at the refinery regulated by the RMP are also regulated by OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) standard. Big West Oil LLC's PSM program includes detailed process safety information for each process. Big West Oil LLC conducts process hazards analyses to identify hazards and ensure that adequate controls are in place to manage the hazards. Operations at the refinery are conducted according to standard operating procedures, and employees are trained on the procedures. Big West Oil Company ensures mechanical integrity of its processes by utilizing methods to verify materials of construction of process piping and equipment, performing regular testing of piping and equipment, and by conducting routine inspections and promptly correcting identified deficiencies. Changes made to refinery processes are p roperly managed so all applicable personnel are familiar with the change. Big West Oil LLC's chemical-specific release prevention systems include temperature, pressure, and flow alarms; and automatic shutdown systems for process parameters such as high level and high temperature. Tanks and piping are equipped with pressure relief systems that route materials to a knock-out pot and flare. Bulk storage tanks are located within earthen berms to contain liquid releases, and most are equipped with double bottoms. Big West Oil LLC has had no accidents in the past five years involving a listed chemical that resulted in on-site deaths, injuries, or significant property damage; or off-site deaths, injuries, property damage, evacuations, sheltering in place, or environmental damage. Big West Oil LLC maintains an Emergency Response Action Plan and a Facility Response Plan that describe actions to take in an emergency. The refinery maintains an inventory of spill response and fire-fighting e quipment on site, and the facility maintains hazardous materials and fire brigade crews which train twice a month. The refinery participates in the Petroleum Mutual Aid Program in which area refineries would assist each other in the event of an emergency. Big West Oil LLC has also coordinated its emergency response program with the Davis County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). BIg West Oil LLC continues in its program to equip the bulk petroleum storage tanks with double bottoms. We also are upgrading our fire water system and adding additional firefighting equipment. |