Moberly Water Filtration Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

    The City of Moberly is dedicated to the safety of their employees, residents and visitors.  The City has prepared and implemented this Risk Management Plan in accordance to federal law.  By implementing this Plan the City hopes to continue their long standing reputation as a safe and effective producer of drinking water for the City. 
    The City undertook all of the necessary steps to complete the RMP.  There has not been any acidents involving chlorine over the past 5 years.  The City contacted the local emergency planning committee and coordinated with them such that all emergency response will be through them.  The only thing the plant personnel are expected to do in the instance of an emergency is to evacuate the plant and contact the fire department.  The City also reviewed training, maintenance, hazards, operation and safety information and updated them accordingly.  The City also implemented a compliance audit and incident investigation program. 
    Although the City has 
never experienced a chlorine emergency, they have taken measures to be better prepared in the unlikely event of a chlorine leak.
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