Westlake Petrochemicals Corporation - Chemicals |
Ethylene Producer ProcessProgram Level 3 Process3,000,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Ethylene [Ethene]", CAS: 74-85-1. 4,400,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Ethane", CAS: 74-84-0. 3,500,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Propylene [1-Propene]", CAS: 115-07-1. 130,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Pentane", CAS: 109-66-0. 18,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Hydrogen", CAS: 1333-74-0. 16,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Methane", CAS: 74-82-8. 2,500,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "1,3-Butadiene", CAS: 106-99-0. Process Industries (NAICS): Petrochemical Manufacturing (32511) Polyethylene Manufacturer ProcessProgram Level 3 Process14,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "1-Butene", CAS: 106-98-9. 100,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Pentane", CAS: 109-66-0. 24,000 lbs. of the Flammable Chemical "Ethylene [Ethene]", CAS: 74-85-1. Process Industries (NAICS): Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing (325211) |