Vogel Paint & Wax Co., Inc. - Executive Summary |
Vogel Paint & Wax Co., Inc. Orange City,Iowa Risk Management Plan - Evecutive Summary This Risk Management Plan for Vogel Paint & Wax Co., Inc. covers a single 18,000 gallon bulk storage vessel, used to store a flammable gas mixture of propane and isobutane. This flammable gas mixture is used as propellant for aerosol paint cans. All current applicable ANSi standards are strictly followed regarding the maintenance and operation of this facility. Vogel Paint & Wax Co., Inc. is a producer of liquid and powder architectural and industrial coatings. One of the processes that is performed here is the production of aerosol (spray) paint. The propellant that is used to pressurize these aerosol paints is the flammable gas mixture of propane and isobutane. The flammable gas mixture is stored on-site, in an 18,000 gallon bulk storage vessel, and transfered from the bulk storage vessel to the aerosol production facility by a 1000-gallon portable nurse tank. All parts on the storage vessel and the nurse tank are designed for propane use. The facilities and bulk storage vessel are manned seven days a week and 24 hours a day. Production at the facility is performed during normal, single shift, business hours and a security guard is on-site during all non-production time. The off-site consequences analysis involves the single bulk storage vessel with a flammable mixture of propane and isobutane, identified as "worst case" release and "alternative release scenario. The first scenario is defined by EPA and shall assume the maximum quantity of a vessel is released in a gas in 10 minutes due to catastrophic break. The alternative release scenario is defined as a more likely accidental release of the flammable gas mixture caused by a transfer hose failure. The "worst Case" release scenario involves a catastrophic failure of the vessel, releasing the entire 66,861 pounds of flammable gas mixture. The off site consequences were calculated using the EPA*COMP guidance program. The "w orst case" scenario used EPA's wind speed of 1.5 meters/second with an "F" atmospheric stability class. An interpolation digital map source (tiger) was used to determine the location, endpoint, and public receptors. The distance to the endpoint was .3 miles. It is estimated that approximately 300 people would be affected by this release. This population would vary during the summer months due to the fluctuation if individuals staying in school dormitories. The "alternative" release scenario assumed a break in a transfer hose and the release of 87 pounds of flammable gas mixture. The EPA recommended wind speed of 3.0 meters/second with a "D" atmospheric stability class was used in this scenario. Using the interpolation digital map source (tiger) the actual end point is .03 miles. (The Risk Management Plan shows a .1 endpoint due to computer settings the actual endpoint is less.) There is no public population located within this radius that would be affected by this release. The assumpt ion is made that the duration of the release is 1 minute because of equipment, excess flow valves, and human intervention will stop the leak. Vogel Paint & Wax Co., Inc. has had no flammable gas mixture leaks within the last five years. Even though the company has had no releases it still coordinates annual visits with the local fire department to review the facilities and the emergency response procedures the company has in place. Vogel Paint & Wax Co., Inc. has taken several steps to insure the integrity and safety for accident prevention. 1. The flammable gas mixture storage and transfer system adheres to all applicable ANSI, ASTM,NFPA, and OSHA requirements. 2. Annual training is required for all personnel handling, transferring, or transporting the flammable gas mixture. The training includes properties of all gases, safe handling practices, first aid, and emergency response and shut down procedures. 3. Use of good management practices as specified by industry standards and tr aining aids. 4. Periodic scheduled maintenance and safety inspections. 5. Use of proper personal protective equipment. Changes are made in the system when necessary or when required by regulation changes. Periodic evaluations of the procedures help to determine whether or not a change in operations should be made to provide increased safety to the operators and to the community. 1. The Toluene diisocyanante storage and transfer systems adhere to all applicable ANSI, ASTM, NFPA, and OSHA requirements. 2. Annual training is required for all personnel handling, or transfering the TDI. The training includes product properties, safe handling procedures, first aid, emergencyresponse and process shut down procedures 3. Proper use and storage of personal protective equipment. 4. Use of good management practices as specified by industry standards and training aids. 5. Periodic scheduled maintenance and safety inspections. 6. Proper qualifications of contractor personnel. 7. Maintenance of sens ors and alarms, to warn of any malfunctions. The Toluene diisocyanate storage tank is mounted in a sealed, limited access room. Personnel entering into this room are required to wear a full encapsulating suit with SCBA air supply. Changes are made in the system when necessary or when required by regulation changes. Periodic evaluations of the procedures help to determine whether or not a change in operations should be made to provide increased safety to the operators and to the community. |