Silver Springs Citrus, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Silver Springs Citrus, Inc. is a citrus processing plant which produces canned citrus juices, chilled citrus juices, and frozen bulk citrus concentrates.  Canned allied juices and beverages are also produced, consisting of canned apple juice, pineapple juice, grape juice, prune juice, tomato juice, and cranberry cocktail.  Chilled allied juices and fruit flavored drinks are also produced.  These include pineapple-orange juice, pineapple juice, and several other tropical juice blends, as well as fruit flavored drinks. 
These juices, drinks and cocktails are produced from reconstituted juice concentrates, essences,  flavors and sweeteners.  This requires extensive storage of chilled product in either bulk form or in retail size containers.  Also, large quantities of frozen concentrate are stored awaiting reconstitution for packaging on the canned or chilled lines.  As a result of this storage, refrigeration utilizing anhydrous ammonia is used extensively in our facility. 
Silver Springs  
Citrus has four separate ammonia compressor systems which are segregated from each other, with no interconnecting piping.  Two of these systems meet the criteria for being included in a Risk Management Plan, in that they both contain in excess of 10,000 lbs. of ammonia.  One contains 14,000 lbs. of anhydrous ammonia, and the other contains 11,000 lbs. 
These systems are monitored daily to determine operating pressures, compressor head temperatures, and any ammonia or lubricating oil leaks.  These results are logged and reported daily, and both routine maintenance and preventive maintenance are performed as required.  In addition, we have a maintenance contract with a refrigeration contractor who is on call for any maintenance which is beyond the scope of our plant refrigeration personnel. 
In the event of a worst-case scenario, a major release of ammonia would, with adverse wind conditions, affect much of the town of Howey-In-The-Hills.  Silver Springs Citrus does have alarms which war 
n of excessive compressor head pressures or sudden drops in operating pressure.  These alarms would allow time to take emergency measures to contain and valve off threatening portions of the system.  Also, an SCBA unit has been recently purchased, and key personnel have received training in the proper use of this equipment. 
The major vessels and compressors throughout the plant are generally inaccessible to accidental forklift or other vehicular damage.  All the compressors are located in enclosed rooms, and most of the major pressure vessels are located within enclosures.  Standard procedure is to valve off any refrigeration equipment which is not in operation during the year, such as during the off season.  This equipment is pumped down and valved off, thereby eliminating any potential dangers from the equipment when it is out of service. 
Silver Springs Citrus appreciates the potential for far reaching consequences which our refrigeration system poses, and is committed to continual 
efforts to upgrade and improve the equipment and the training of our personnel.  We have invited the Lake County Fire and Emergency Services personnel to tour our facility and welcome the suggestions they have made to improve the safety of our facility and employees.    We have developed a very good rapport with them and work closely with them.
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