Osram Sylvania Products, Inc. - Exeter Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc.'s (OSI) Exeter facility, located at 131 Portsmouth Avenue in Exeter, New Hampshire produces quartz tubing for use in lamps and lighting equipment.  The facility stores both liquid hydrogen (a flammable liquid) and 70 % hydrofluoric acid (a toxic material) on-site above the 10,000 pound threshold set forth for these materials in CFR Title 40, Part 68 "Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions". 
OSI has prepared a Risk Management Plan (RMP) that details the processes, hazrds associated with HF and H2 use, operation and maintenance procedures, training requirements for employees, and auditing and incident investigation protocol.  The facility also has an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) which details what actions are to be taken in the event of a release and the people responsible for corrective action.   
Worst case and alternative release scenarios have been evaluated for hydrogen and 70% hydrofluoric acid based on process and operational characteristics at the facility. 
 The worst case scenarios evaluated for these materials indicate the potential for off-site impact exists between 0.19 and 0.28 miles from the point of release.  Potential receptors under the worst case scenarios include a car dealership, a reservoir, and a public water treatment facility.  Alternative scenario evaluations, which are more realistic of operating conditions at the facility, indicate the potential for off-site impacts exists only 110 yards away from the point of release and would not impact any off-site receptors.
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