Heck Cellars - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                                                       EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 
Heck Cellars owns and operates a winery/distillery in DiGiorgio, California.  Since the facility stores and uses anhydrous ammonia, chlorine and sulfur dioxide (so2) in amounts that exceed the threshold quantities, the facility is subject to California's Accidental Release Program (Cal-ARP) and the Federal Risk Management Plan requirements(RMP).  The following quanties of materials are stored at the site: Anhydrous Ammonia 29,565 lbs (12 months out of the year), Chlorine 2,000 lbs (12 months out of the year) and Sulfur Dioxide 2,000 lbs (9 months out of the year) and 22,000 lbs (3 months out of the year).        
The ammonia is stored in several different (unconnected) tanks, the largest of which contains 9,000 lbs.  The chlorine and sulfur dioxide is stored in single (1 ton) cylinders. 
The results of a hypothetical worst case accidental loss from the largest tank of Ammonia, Chlorine or So2 indicates that the  
vapor plume would travel between 1.6 to 3.1 miles before it would reach the toxic end point as specified in regulations (Appendix A to title 19, Division 2, Chap. 4).  The number of people within the impact area is estimated to vary between 566 to 6,746 people.  
In real life, worst case accidents are rare.  An analysis of alternative release scenarios was conducted.  This analysis shows that the vapor plume would travel only between 0.1 to 1.2 miles.  Under alternative release scenarios, the number of people affected by the vapor plume would be between 0 to 55 people.  
During the past five (5) years between 1993 to 1998, there has not been any accidents at Heck Cellars involving the release of ammonia, chlorine or SO2.  Heck Cellars has instituted a safety program consisting of employee training and a comprehensive equipment maintenance program to ensure that there will not be any accidents in the future.    
Heck Cellars is strongly committed to employee, public and environmental sa 
fety.  This commitment is inherent to a comprehensive accidental release prevention program which is in place that covers areas such as design, installation, operating procedures, maintenance, and employee training associated with the processes at our facility.  In addition, the company will conduct annual (independent) audits of its safety systems.  The annual audits will be conducted by an independent third party. 
Heck Cellars has a written Emergency Response Plan to deal with accidental releases of hazardous materials.  The plan includes first aid / CPR,  evacuations, notification of local emergency response agencies and the public, as well as post- incident decontamination of affected areas.   
Heck Cellars' emergency response equipment is regularly inspected and serviced to ensure proper functioning.  In addition, the eme 
rgency respnse plan is promptly updated to reflect any pertinent changes taking place within our processes that would require a modified emergency response.
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