Source Identification
Montana Sulphur & Chemical Company |
Submission and Acceptance
First-Time Submission |
1999-06-24 |
1999-06-21 |
2004-06-21 |
1999-07-21 |
Yes |
Yes |
Facility Identification
1000 0014 4355 |
Dun and Bradstreet Numbers (DUNS)
Facility Location Address
627 Exxon Road NE of Billings, MT 59101 |
Yellowstone County |
Facility Latitude and Longitude
GPS - Unspecified |
Process Unit |
EPA Default Map Value Latitude/Longitude
45.8103 |
-108.4334 |
Plant Entrance (General) |
Owner or Operator
Montana Sulphur & Chemical Company |
4062529324 |
P.O. BOX 3118 |
Billings |
MT |
59107 |
1118 |
United States (US) |
Person or Position Responsible for Part 68 (RMP) Implementation
Emergency Contact
Chief Operator |
Operation Sup. at time of emergency |
4062529324 |
4062527101 |
Other Points of Contact
Local Emergency Planning Committee
Full Time Equivalent Employees
Covered By
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
not issued yet |
OSHA Ranking
Last Safety Inspection
1999-05-11 |
Fire Department |
Predictive Filing
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
Reportable Accidents