John S. Roth Water Treatment Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Middletown Water Department, hereafter referred to as the MWD, owns and operates the John S. Roth water treatment facility. For the purpose of this document the regulated substance in use at the John S. Roth water treatment facility is chlorine gas. The facility islocated at 100 River Road in Middletown, CT. The facility is described as a direct filtration facility capable of treating 8 million gallons of water a day. Raw water is supplied to the facility by 10 wells located at the facility, drawing water from an aquifer running along the Connecticut River. This facility supplies water to 70 percent of the City of Middletown on an average daily basis. The City of Middletown has a population of 43,000. The MWD has completed this RMP submittal as part of the process of completing our Risk Management Plan. The RMP will include, when completed, a detailed Process Safety Management and Process Hazard Analysis program in conjunction with an Emergency Response Plan. Under thePSM p 
lan, standard operating procedures will be developed to address the reciept of cylinders, response to chlorine leaks and alarms, storage tank changes, and preventive maintenance. In conjunction with the Middletown Fire Department, the MWD has developed a worst case and alternative release scenarios, using the EPA's RMP Comp and LandViewIII software. The worst case scenario is a release outside the passive mitigation enclosure, which was based on a total release of a one ton cylinder in 10 minutes. An alternate release scenario was determined to be a release from a hose with the emergency shutdown failure, within the passive mitigation enclosure. The MWD is pleased to report that there has not been an accident with chlorine gas in the facilities history. The MWD is planning to update the PSM plan with a capital improvement to the already existing chlorine monitoring instrumentation. The MWD's focus will be to follow standard operating procedures while reviewing procedures and keeping up 
with preventative maintenance on chlorine handling equipment. Every effort is made to prevent a release. In the event of a release the MWD's proposed Emergency Response Plan is through and will be executed swiftly.
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