Modern Ice & Cold Storage Company - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Modern Ice & Coldl Storage Company operates a facility in San Jose, California which is a cooling and refrigeration warehousing facility for food products.  Anhydrous ammonia is used in the cooling and refrigeration system.  A Risk Management and Prevention Plan (RMPP) was prepared in June 1994 in compliance with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Health, Santa Clara County.  The RMPP included a seismic assessment.  The Hazard Operability Study and Seismic Assessment were reviewed and updated in May 1999.  Some process modifications have been implemented to respond to the RMPP recommendations.  Additional process equipment and controls are scheduled to be implemented by July 2000 to improve process safety. 
There have been no reportable ammonia releases within the last five years.  The facility has an Emergency Action Plan and conducts training drills and exercises on a quarterly basis.  Additional emergency response services will be provided by a licensed emergenc 
y response contractor. 
The Offsite Consequence Analysis for ammonia depicted a 0.5 mile distance to the endpoint for the worst-case release scenario and 0.18 mile distance for the alternative release scenario.
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