SGL Technic, Inc., Polycarbon Division - Valencia - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The objective of the Risk Management Program is to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous chemicals,  into locations that could expose employees and others to serious hazards.  The program targets highly hazardous chemicals that have the potential to cause a catastrophic incident.  To control these types of hazards, Polycarbon has developed the necessary expertise, experiences, judgement and proactive intiative with their workforce to properly implement and maintain an effective safety management program as envisioned in the OSHA standard.  The program was expressly designed to manage and implement process safety at the Valencia facility. 
An effective PSM program safeguards the whole chemical process.  Using this approach, the process design, process technology, process changes, operational, maintenance activities, procedures, non-routine procedures, emergency preparedness, training programs, and other elements that affect the process are all considered in the evaluation.  The various  
lines of defense that have been incorporated into the design and operation of the process to prevent or mitigate the release of hazardous chemicals are regularly evaluated and strengthened to assure their effectiveness at each level.
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