Clinton Feed & Grain, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This Risk Management Plan is submitted for Clinton Feed & Grain, Inc. loacted at 1571 Main Ave., Clinton, IA.  The process under review is the storage of Anhydrous Ammonia at the facility in a small 10,000 gal tank.  This facility is located on the Northeast edge of Clinton, IA with mostly rural residences around it.  Hills on two sides mitigate any realease of ammonia.  The staff at Clinton Feed & Grain, Inc. are trained on the hazards and safety precautions when transfering anhydrous ammonia with the use of a training tape provided by our main supplier -- PCS.  In addition the key personnel at the facility are trained on the use of safety equipement including the wearing of breating equipment.  The local fire department has made several trips to the facility where they have been able to practice isolating an anhydrous leak in breathing apparatus.  Based on the review of the circumstances for any probable or worse case leak, actions have been taken to minimize any such leak in additio 
nto the low population in the potentially affected area.
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