Shintech Incorporated - Executive Summary |
Shintech Inc RMP Executive Summary BENEFITS OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS Flammable hydrocarbons, including natural gas arc used to manufacture a variety of products They are the raw materials for antifreeze and plastic products called polyolefins (like polypropoline and polyethylene). They are also used for home heating and in power plants to produce electricity Common products produced with flammables include: Coffeemakers Automotive dashboards Synthetic fibers and fabrics Boat sails Plastic milk and beverage cartons Children's toys Computer cases Parachutes Carpets and carpet backing Synthetic tuber Shintech has the following naturally occurring compounds on-site: vinyl chloride. This compound is used as a feed stock by us and other companies to manufacture a variety of products. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS Flammable compounds all have the potential to cause explosions when released in a confined cloud and can be a source of fuel for rims. The primary concerns with these types of accidents are flying debris (objects), burns, and popping eardrums or being knocked down by, the force of the blast. In most cases, these concerns primarily affect employees and others who are on-site. Employees and contractors who work around flammable compounds take the following extra precautions: undergoing special OSHA training on how to fight fires. participating in engineering reviews of their work areas to prevent leaks which could contribute to fires. WHAT DOES SHINTECH DO TO KEEP US SAFE? Shintech Inc. uses a variety, of safety equipment and procedures to prevent accidental releases. Following are some of the typical safety equipment and systems used at our facilities: Automatic shut-off devices and relief valves handle unexpected rises in temperature or pressure. Safety controls, including warning alarms, interlocks and leak detectors, provide multiple lines of defense. Continuous monitoring of pressure in vessels and piping prevents problems. Regular equipment inspections ensure proper operation. Staff and contractors receive extensive health and safety training, following OSHA guidelines. Staff are trained in start-up, operation and maintenance of all equipment. Full investigation of any incident--even small drips or leaks--prevents them from occurring again. Appropriate permits have been obtained and are maintained. Audits (inspections) are performed to ensure correct procedures are followed. Conduct full health & safety reviews for the most hazardous operations as defined by OSHA Conduct emergency response training for all employees including certain employees who are trained for medical emergencies and rescue situations. FIVE-YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY There have been no releases of this chemical that have had the potential to have adverse impacts to the plant or th e community. Releases Greater than 1000 Pounds None Releases Greater than 100 to 1000 Pounds None Releases of 100 Pounds or Less None WHAT SHOULD I DO IN A CHEMICAL EMERGENCY Sheltering in place is considered to be a proven method for protecting yourself and your family in the event of an accidental release. As soon as you hear the warning: 1. Go quickly inside the nearest building. (Don't try to make it home, if you are not there. Just get inside a building quickly.) 2. Close all windows and doors. 3 Turn off all air conditioning and heating systems. 4. Close off fireplace and put out fire completely. 5. Tune your radio to a local emergency broadcast station: Freeport - KBRZ 1460 AM Bay City - KLOX 1270 AM/97.9 FM Houston - KTRH 740 AM 6. If you have trouble breathing place a wet cloth over your nose and mouth and breathe through iit. 7. Call the CAER lines for information. For Phillips 66 Co., the number is 491-CAER (2237); for the other companies, the phone number is 238-CAER (2237). 8. The Community Alert Network (CAN) computer will call phones in the affected area. 9. Stay indoors and wait for the "all clear." EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES To be prepared for potential chemical accidents Shintech communicates regularly and works closely with the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and other community responders. Detailed emergency response plans are in place and the LEPC, local fire departments, and other emergency responders have copies of these Plans. These responders, and Shintech employees, perform emergency response drills. In April of each year, BCPC hosts Responsible Care Week to remind the community about the actions to take, should a chemical accident occur. In addition, a community-wide emergency response drill is performed annually. For more information contact: t Shintech Inc. 5618 Hwy 332 Freeport, Texas 77541 John J. Yonge Environmental Control 409-233-7861 ext 279 |