Precision Ag Services, Ellsworth Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Precision Ag Services, LLC. was formed on August 1, 1997.  We are an Agronomy Supply business that provides Agricultural products and services in Northwestern Wisconsin.   We have Anhydrous Ammonia stored at our facility which is used as an agricultural fertilizer.  The main storage tank is equiped with excess flow valves on all withdrawal connections and check valves in the loading connections.  Our facility is located in a rural area with few homes located nearby.  Precision Ag Services conducts annual training of our employees on the safe handling of Anhydrous Ammonia.  We also work closely with our Local Emergency Planning Commitee for training of local Fire Departments and other Emergency Response units.  Precision Ag Services has 14 full time(3 at the Ellsworth loacation) and 20 seasonal employees.  Precision Ag Services takes pride in being the leader in Agricultural supplies and services for Northwestern Wisconsin.
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