Source Identification
StateLine Coop - Ringsted Facility |
StateLine Coop |
Submission and Acceptance
First-Time Submission |
1999-06-01 |
1999-05-27 |
2004-05-27 |
1999-06-04 |
Yes |
Yes |
Facility Identification
1000 0001 6001 |
070722-IA-007 |
Dun and Bradstreet Numbers (DUNS)
Facility Location Address
1 East 240th Street Ringsted, IA 50578 |
Emmet County |
Facility Latitude and Longitude
Address Matching - Street Centerline |
Storage Tank |
EPA Default Map Value Latitude/Longitude
43.298889 |
-94.508611 |
Storage Tank |
Owner or Operator
StateLine Coop - Ringsted Facility |
7128660581 |
P.O. Box 128 |
RIngsted |
IA |
50578 |
United States (US) |
Person or Position Responsible for Part 68 (RMP) Implementation
Linda Petersen |
Safety Coordinator |
Emergency Contact
Greg Matheson |
Facility Manager |
7128660581 |
7128661248 |
Other Points of Contact
Local Emergency Planning Committee
Full Time Equivalent Employees
Covered By
OSHA Ranking
Last Safety Inspection
1998-04-01 |
Tri State Insurance |
Predictive Filing
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
Reportable Accidents