Nucor Steel - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Nucor Steel is a stationary source that is required to prepare a Risk Management Plan in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 68.  Nucor Steel stores and uses one flammable substance listed in 40 CFR 68.130 above the specified threshold quantities.  The substance is hydrogen. 
Nucor Steel also stores and uses propane at the Crawfordsville facility in quantities greater than 67,000 pounds.  On April 27, 1999 the U.S. Court of Appeals granted a stay of the RMP rule as it applies to facilities having more than 10,000 pounds of propane in a process, pending further action by the court.  While the Court's stay is in effect, facilities will not have to file RMPs for their propane processes.   
In addition to the Court's judicial stay, EPA has issued an interm administrative stay of the effective date of the RMP rule as it applies to flammable hydrocarbon fuels, stored in quantities no greater than 67,000 pounds in a process.   
Nucor Steel has considered the impacts of the propane o 
n hazard analysis and accident prevention.  When this issue is finally resolved, Nucor Steel will address the issue of propane as specified by the court and EPA in the RMP. 
Offsite consequence analyses were conducted to determine the impacts to offsite receptors.  The EPA computer program RMP Comp* was utilized to assess offsite impacts.  The modeling results indicated that hydrogen would have an endpoint at 0.20 miles.  
Nucor Steel is located in a rural area in Montgomery County near Crawfordsville, Indiana.  An analysis of the offsite impacts to public receptors for the 0.2 mile endpoint indicates that two (2) residences will be effected.  The affected population is estimated at eight (8) individuals. 
The program analysis determined hydrogen qualified for Prevention Program 3 due to the fact that hydrogen is already covered by the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) rule. 
This document was prepared in accordance with the provisions and requirements of 40 CFR 68.  The objective o 
f this risk management program is to prevent accidental releases of flammable substances that can cause serious harm to the public and the environment and to mitigate the effects of releases. 
Nucor Steel has never had a release of the regulated substances that qualify for the RMP or OSHA PSM programs.  This document will further reduce the risks of a release in the future.
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