Community Water System - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary " Risk Management" 
Community Water System, Inc. has a Risk Management Plan for "Accidental Releases Prevention" and also a "Emergency Response Policy" which is incorporated into a countywide emergency plan.  In 1989 under Title III, the Office of the County Judge, Cleburne County, Arkansas, ordered an "Emergency Response" and "Hazardous Material Spill Emergency Plan" be developed, and implemented.  The purpose of this plan was to develop a list of companies, businesses, factories and facilities that stored or maintained chemicals, fuels, gases or other substances that were identified as Hazardous. 
The Emergency Plan required a "Response Procedure" and was developed through the Cleburne County Committee formed under Title III.  The Committee addressed the following areas and detailed how each of the responsible agencies was to react.  These areas include but are not limited to the following: 
1. Communications 
2. Prompting Form 
3. Prompting Form Response Vehicles 
4. County Emergency Operations 
5. Emergency Equipment 
6. Health and Medical 
7. Health and Medical Resources 
8. Health and Medical Organization Chart 
9. Incident Report 
10. Shelters 
11. Law Enforcement 
12. Hazardous Materials - Transportation Routes and Maps 
13. Direction, Control and Communications 
14. Emergency Public Information 
Community Water System, Inc. is a part of this countywide plan and was instrumental in its development as our facility uses and stores Chlorine Gas.  We use other chemicals, which have been identified as Non-Hazardous.   
On site safety for loading, unloading, handling and use of 150-pound cylinders of Chlorine has been addressed in our written plan for all location where they might be kept or stored.  Safety equipment availability, location and use are a part of our safety training.   
Safety procedures have been developed using State and Federal guidelines.  The Board of Directors and Management of Community Water System, Inc. have adopted a company policy 
for implementation of these guidelines.  
Community Water System, Inc. is Water Treatment Facility located on the shore of Greers Ferry lake.  We provide water to both retail and wholesale customers.  Our retail system provides water to approximately 4,381 customers.  Our wholesale customer base is approximately 33,000.  Our existing Water Treatment Plant has capacity of 6.0 m.g.d and raw water is purchased from the Corp. of Engineers. 
Facility Operation 
Raw water is drawn from the lake through intake structures and is pumped up to the plant.  These intake pipes (3 ea.) are connected to three pumps that deliver 2100 g.p.m each, which is equal to the plant capacity of 6,000,000 gallons per day.  The pumps are redundant and no more than two pumps will be pumping at one time. 
The water is pumped through a flow meter to record the amount of water taken from the lake.  Water samples are taken of this raw water to determine the amount of chemicals to be added, and flows from this poin 
t to a flash mixer.  At this point lime and polymer (PAC 950) is added based on previous water samples. The water is sampled again and then travels to the Claircone.  At this location anionic is added at the base of the Claircone and a small amount of chlorine used for algae control is also added near the top of the Claircone.  The process at the Claircone traps suspended particles in the water and settles them out.  The water then flows to a bank of twelve filters.  From the filters the water is Chlorinated and flows to a 1,000,000-gallon storage tank.  Water in this tank is piped to the High Service Building and then pumped from this building to either the retail or the wholesale transmission systems.  This pump system is also redundant. 
Chemicals Used and Stored 
Chlorine gas storage is in 150-lb. gas cylinders.  Under normal conditions a maximum of 18 bottles will be on hand with 3 to 4 bottles being empty for a total capacity of 2,250 or 2,100 lbs. respectively of actively stored 
Chlorine.  Our Y2K contingency plan will increase for a short time Chlorine storage with an additional 15 bottles located away from our main treatment facility for a combined total of 4,500 to 4,350 lbs. respectively.  It is anticipated that normal storage levels (18 bottles) of Chlorine will be back to normal in the spring of 2000. 
Lime storage at maximum capacity is 42,000 lbs. 
PAC 950 (polymer) storage at maximum capacity is 45,000 lbs. 
Anionic storage at maximum capacity is 18,000 lbs. 
Hazardous Materials listed above include only CHLORINE. 
Actions for On or Offsite Chemical Release (Worst Case) "Chlorine" 
* Chlorine released due to leaking or damaged 150-lb. bottle.    
* Cylinder dropped during change out. 
* Manifold piping, control valve or feeders damaged. 
A quantity of 150 lbs. of Chlorine Gas is released into the atmosphere.  As indicated by OCA guidance a distance of up to 0.7 miles or a 3,696-foot radius from the release point could be effected.  
All storage areas for Chlorine have vent fans and alarm systems. There is a serious potential for personal injury within this confined area and the following is to be implemented immediately.  
Personnel in the immediate area should clear the area and notify management of the emergency situation. 
Office personnel and management will be responsible for immediate implementation of the Emergency Plan.  
1. Information from the release site to office personnel and or management shall describe the release location. 
2. Personnel on site and names of personnel. 
3. Have any injuries resulted from the release. 
4. Is emergency personnel (EMS) required at the location. 
5. The number of suspected injuries. 
6. Direction gas may move due to prevailing wind.  
7. Will Law Enforcement be required? 
Contact Office of Emergency Services, Sheriff's Office in Heber Springs and local Law Enforcement. 
Contact nearest Hospital and Medical Facility. 
Field perso 
nnel will evaluate the situation and take action to eliminate the leak. 
If the area is to be evacuated follow "Emergency Operations Plan" 
If the area is to be evacuated follow "Emergency Operations Plan" 
If the area is to be evacuated follow "Emergency Operations Plan" 
The leak is to be eliminated immediately.  All personnel are trained the proper handling, moving, storage and connection of Chlorine cylinders.   They attend safety classes on alarm systems, air-packs, buddy system, check-in, check-out, testing of exhaust fans, air quality alarm and check for damaged of non-functioning or mal-functioning equipment.  
Office personnel is informed by field persons that they are changing out Chlorine cylinders, who is there, where they are, what time the operation will begin, estimated time to perform the work and checks in with the office when the work is completed.  One person permits no work of this type.  Two persons must be 
present at all times with one person outside of the containment area.  The personnel on standby outside the area must have an Air-PAC at ready to enter the area in case of an emergency. 
Minor Chlorine Gas Release: 
* Manifold piping, control valve or feeders damaged. 
A small quantity of a 150-lb. bottle of Chlorine Gas is released into the atmosphere.  As indicated by OCA guidance a distance of up to 0.1 miles or a 550-foot radius from the release point could be effected.  There is a serious potential for personal injury within this area.  This area would be within the property limits of our facility and persons (residents) living in the area would not be effected.  Although the area of containment has been greatly reduced by a small leak the potential for injury is no less dangerous and will be treated as serious in nature and follow established guidelines. 
Personnel in the immediate area should notify management of the emergency situation. 
Office personnel and management will be responsible for immediate implementation of the Emergency Plan based on the nature of the release.  
1. Information from the release site to office personnel and or management shall describe the release location. 
2. Personnel on site and names of personnel. 
3. Have any injuries resulted from the release. 
4. Is emergency personnel (EMS) required at the location. 
Contact Office of Emergency Services Office in Heber Springs. 
Contact nearest Medical Facility. 
Field personnel will evaluate the situation and take action to eliminate the leak. 
If the Plant area is to be evacuated follow "Emergency Operations Plan" 
If the Plant area is to be evacuated follow "Emergency Operations Plan" 
If the Plant area is to be evacuated follow "Emergency Operations Plan" 
The leak is to be eliminated immediately.  All personnel are trained the proper handling, moving, s 
torage and connection of Chlorine cylinders.   They attend safety classes on alarm systems, air-packs, buddy system, check-in, check-out, testing of exhaust fans, air quality alarm and check for damaged of non-functioning or mal-functioning equipment. 
Office personnel is informed by field persons that they are changing out Chlorine cylinders, who is there, where they are, what time the operation will begin, estimated time to perform the work and checks in with the office when the work is completed.  One person permits no work of this type.  Two persons must be present at all times with one person outside of the containment area.  The personnel on standby outside the area must have an Air-PAC at ready to enter the release area in case of an emergency. 
Community Water System, Inc. currently has thirteen (13) field people that have a potential for being in contact with, changing out, working in or around Chlorine containment areas.  In an effort to eliminate this type of accident and ot 
her types of accidents we hold safety-training meetings on a weekly basis.  These safety meetings discuss a wide verity of safety issues and how to deal with them.   
We have had only one Chlorine release in the past five years and although small in nature it indicated a need to re-enforce a stronger position with personnel in responsible management areas as well as field personnel.  The outcome of that gas release was a new safety procedure with the main component being a "Buddy System".  Our facility has gone through extensive reconstruction in the past three years and alarm systems have now been installed and tested which notify plant personnel of a chemical or gas leak. 
Community Water System, Inc. is a part of the Cleburne County, Arkansas "Emergency Response" and "Hazardous Material Spill Emergency Plan".  This plan is on record in the Office of Emergency Services, Cleburne County, Arkansas.  This plan identifies potential hazardous material storage sites within the county.  It  
establishes guidelines for response and coordination by all Emergency Personnel and Equipment, Law Enforcement, State, Federal Agencies and notification procedures. This document contains Hazardous Material Source, Emergency Response Team locations and phone numbers.  It also informs the user of the number of personnel available by location and the equipment they have operational.  This plan is complete with maps, which identify the Hazardous Material Source, and the areas covered or involved should a release occur of any material that has been identified as Hazardous.  This type of information was developed for the evacuation of populated areas in the event of a major chemical or gas release. 
To improve our existing safety program Community Water System, Inc. has requested that our insurance carrier provide an onsite review of all safety training and any potential problems or deficiencies in our program.  This survey will be conducted by an "Approved Professional Safety Source" (APSS 
) provided by our carrier.   
The first review is scheduled for June 16, 1999.  Initial conversations with this professional indicate that review and implementation will cover a six-month period.  During that period of time a complete investigative review would take place with time allowed for implementation in any areas found to need corrective action.  
Community Water System, Inc. is dedicated to the preservation of health, safety and welfare of our employees as well as our neighbors in the surrounding area.  The Board of Directors and Management of Community Water System, Inc. have and will remain cognizant of "Risk Management" and will continued to review all aspects of our operation. 
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