GATX Richmond Terminal - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

GATX understands the hazardous nature of the Vinyl Acetate/Butyl Acrylate mixture stored and transferred at its Richmond, CA Terminal.  This product has been stored and transferred at the Terminal since 1985 without accident or incident.  Nevertheless, GATX Corporate and Terminal management are committed to a policy of zero accidents and incidents.  This policy goal is pursued on an equal footing with other business objectives within the coporation. 
GATX is committed to : 
1.  Complying with all applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. 
2.  Maintaining a safe workplace through prevention, detection, and mitigation of events which could lead to accidents or incidents. 
3.  Continuously inspecting for and finding unsafe conditions, and correcting them promptly. 
4.  Providing training to all personnel to ensure that they are able to perform their work safely. 
GATX conducts quarterly internal Terminal audits, by personnel from the corporation's Customer Service Su 
pervision Section.  The quarterly audits are performed by the Customer Service Supervisor.  These audits review operators' inspection reports and otherTerminal records.   
The Terminal conducts weekly safety meetings.  GATX discusses accidents, incidents and "near misses" on a company-wide basis to improve safety throughout the entire corporation. 
TheTerminal maintains written procedures for operations, training, maintenance, compliance audits, general safety, emergency response, etc., to ensure that these operational elements are well understood within the Terminal.  The Terminal's RMP includes or references these operational elements, allowing the surrounding community and others to review this information.
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