Metal Injection Molding - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Metal Injection Molding has polices and practices in place to handle the accidental release of Nitric Acid.  Dikes and curbs are used to prevent any accidental release to outdoors.  In the event of a spill, which is containted wholly within the building, personnel are evacuated to outdoors and persons trained in migitation techniques are responsible for implementation of the contingency play.  Due to the small amount of acid per drum, (55 gal or less) and the area of the building, it is viewed that there is almost zero potential for release to out-of-doors.  The containers of nitric acid are stored inside curbed areas or in self contained pallets.  Acid containers that are in use, (acid is being pumped out of them) are housed in a cabinet with redundant safeties such that the contents of an entire drum could "leak" without any release outside the cabinet.  The worst scenario is one in which 400 lbs of acid would spill, which is a liquid spill with vaporization type.  The release rate i 
s.2 lb/min for 2000 min.  This would completely drain the drum.  The calculated distance to endpoint as determined by the RMP COMP program is .3 miles.  There are various public receptors within that area.  Controls in place to mitigate the worst scenario inclued electronically monitored flow meters, these alert the operator to any deviation from the normal flow of acid to the process.  Other controls include spill control units under the drum.  The units can contain more than the 55 gallons of acid and contains calcium carbonate to neutralize the spilled acid.  In the unlikely event an acid spill would breach the spill co ntrol unit, a concrete dike surrounds the installation as a redundant safety.  There have been no accidental releases at the Metal Injection Molding business unit i the past 5 years.  The emergency response program includes response by trained, medically screened Metal Injection Molding personnel as outlined in the Emergency Response Contingency Plan.  The response i 
ncludes control measures, proper clean-up and disposal of spilled acid.  Also included are measures to be taken in the event an evacuation is required and notification to state and federal agencies.  At present there are no planned changes to improve safety, however, safety audits are conducted on a routine basis with corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence of noted discrepanacies.
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