Tri-Cities North Regional Wastewater Authority - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The North Regional WWTP, located at 3777 Old Needmore Road in Daytion, is operated by USFilter Operating Services (USFOS) for Tri-Cities North Regional Wastewater Authority on behalf of the cities of Huber Heights, Vandalia and Tipp City.  This facility contains as much as 4,000 pounds of chlorine during the chlorination season (May 1 through October 31) and typically less than 2,000 pounds during the off-chlorination season (November 1 through April 30).  The chlorine is contained in one ton cylinders.  Chlorine is used at this facility to disinfect wastewaters before discharge into the receiving waters. 
USFOS has general policies and procedures for the use of materials and equipment.  These policies are provided to give each operating site a general format or structure in which to base Standard Operating Procedures specific to this site.  USFOS conducts annual compliance audits at facilities to ensure that safety standards are being met and to initiate action to remedy any shortcomi 
The worst case scenario for the North Regional facility includes the release of the entire contents of a one-ton cylinder of chlorine gas into the atmosphere, within ten minutes, and with no passive mitigation.  We elected to use the worst case scenario outlined in the "Risk Management Program Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants" (document # EPA550-B-98-010 October 1998), assuming urban terrain.  The scenario presented a toxic endpoint of 1.3 miles from point of discharge encompassing a population of 11,000.  Public receptors within that distance includes residences, two schools and one golf course. 
The alternative scenario for this facility includes the release of chlorine gas due to a lead seal failure.  This was modeled using a 1/16th inch diameter hole which discharges a 10 pound per minute release of chlorine gas into a building.  The mitigation of the building was not taken into account since the toxic endpoint was .1 miles which does not extend to any off-site recept 
ors, residential, public or environmental. 
The North Regional WWTP facility complies with the OSHA PSM, EPCRA and CWA.  As part of our operating procedures, we have developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and a Chlorine Emergency Response Plan.  Moreover, our facility is monitored by a security system which contacts the on-call operator when an alarm is activated. 
There have been no reportable accidental releases of chlorine in the past five years. 
Currently, chlorine leaks are handled on site by qualified plant personnel.  Staff is currently coordinating the response of a worst case leak with the local fire department.  Training is divided into to two categories:  affected and other employees.  Affected employees are employees that must deal with the chemical on a day-to-day basis and are trained to a competent level.  Other employees are employees that do not handle the chemical.  Other employees must be trained to a knowledgable level.  Copies of the attendance sheets, comp 
etency sheets and sign-off sheets will be filed in the Safety Training notebook. 
Training with the local fire department is scheduled for June 7, 8 and 9th, 1999.  During this period, the fire department will review the facility's plan, storage site and usage of chemical.  Also during that time, staff will review the county's LEPC plan to ensure coverage.
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